Am 21.11.18 um 20:12 schrieb Davide Bertani:
I would like to ask if there is a way, using Gretl, to perform a
series of unique logistic regressions with a single command, keeping
the same nominal variable and analyzing its relationship with a series
of measurement variables extracted from an excel database. let me
explain: I have a single nominal variable , A, and a series of
measurement variables B C D (100 items). usually I will open Gretl,
load the database, click on "logit", "binary", select the nominal
variable and the first regressor, get the data I need (O.R., p value,
IC 95%), copy them, and paste them into Word or Excel. then I repeat
all again using the second regressor, then the third, and so on...a
huge waste of time and energies.
Hi Davide,
typically it is unusual to estimate three separate equations if you
think all your explanatory variables B, C, D could have an influence.
You would put them all in at once. (Unless you have a good reason not
to, but you haven't mentioned something like that AFAICS.)
In case this caused confusion, the term "binary" in this context doesn't
mean bivariate, but it means that the dependent variable has only two
possible values, 0 and 1.