(the numbers under the writing "OR (1X3) are, in order: OR, the lower
border of IC and the higher border of IC. those three things, I need to put
in my results tabel :)
Il giorno mer 28 nov 2018 alle ore 15:40 Davide Bertani <
dbertani92(a)gmail.com> ha scritto:
Here I am again guys!
First thing first, thank you very much Sven for your advice. With your
help and with my friend's, I managed to adapt the code you sent me to my
needs, and make it work on Gretl. So thank you very very much for your
I am now facing a second, bigger challenge: with Sven's script, I got the
standard errors, p values, O.R. and IC 95% that I needed. Now I have to
tabulate them, using Excel or Word. Problem is that the Gretl results file,
which I attached to the mail, shows (along with the useful data obtained)
many other things that I do not need, lines and lines of text that I should
manually delete hundreds of times (the akaike criterion, the schwarz
criterion, hannan- quinn etc.).
What I need is a series of rows displaying ONLY the ES, P-values and so
on, instead of having to search through the list of results that the Gretl
logit analysis gave me. DId I manage to explain my problem? does anyone
have any suggestions about it? I add to the mail three things: the script I
used, the word file of the results I got, and a facsimile of the column I
would like to create. Thank you all!
Il giorno ven 23 nov 2018 alle ore 21:10 Davide Bertani <
dbertani92(a)gmail.com> ha scritto:
> thank you very much Sven!! I'll try to adopt the solution you sent me
> (maybe with some help from a friend of mine, big computer brain), I'll let
> you know if it works! best regards,
> Davide
> Il Gio 22 Nov 2018, 10:59 Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)gmx.net> ha scritto:
>> Am 22.11.18 um 11:46 schrieb Davide Bertani:
>> > Thank you guys for the answers
>> > @sven I understood the use of the "binar" term: as a matter of
>> > my nominal variable is actually binary, spacing from 0 to 1. Problem
>> > is, my thesis tutor wants UNIVARIATE as well as multivariate analysis
>> > of these data, so I'm forced to estimate all 100 separates (the
>> > univariate analysis, as far as I understand) and then I will estimate
>> > the 100 variables at once (multivariate analysis if Im not wrong). And
>> > Im looking for help for accelerating the First task:)
>> Ah OK, I think I understand. You don't just have B,C,D as regressors but
>> actually have 100 (potential) regressors. (First I thought you had 100
>> observations per variable, not 100 variables.)
>> Then you need to do some programming with gretl's scripting language
>> hansl indeed. You could try the following:
>> <hansl>
>> list reg = B C D # <and so forth>
>> # an alternative way is to use a series range as in 'list reg = B..ZZ',
>> see the manual ch. 14.
>> loop foreach r reg
>> logit A const $r
>> # use the $coeff (and other) accessor if you want to store the result
>> endloop
>> </hansl>
>> A working example with a built-in dataset would be as follows:
>> <hansl>
>> open credscore
>> list reg = Age..Selfempl
>> loop foreach r reg --quiet
>> logit Acc const $r
>> endloop
>> </hansl>
>> HTH,
>> sven
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