Dear forum,
in "Chaing, Wang (2013): Volatility contagion: A range-based volatility
approach" the authors specify a 'new' model for volatility forecasting.
Simply put,
eps ~ logNormal(-0.5*sigma^2, sigma^2)
volatility[t] = lambda[t] * eps[t]
lambda[t] = c + a*volatility[t-1] + b*lambda[t-1]
I try to estimate the (1,1) specification of the model with
scalar c_ = 0.1
scalar rng = 0.1
scalar err = 0.2
scalar sigma = 0.36
mle ll = -0.5*ln(2 * pi) - 0.5 * ln( sigma ^ 2 ) - ln(sqrtPark) - 0.5 * ( (( ln(sqrtPark)
- ln(lambda) - sigma^2/2)^2 ) / sigma ^ 2 )
series lambda = mean(sqrtPark)
series lambda = c_ + rng * sqrtPark(-1) + err * lambda(-1)
params sigma c_ rng err
end mle --robust
Estimation results are the following and everything seems all right
Model 6: ML, using observations 2007-12-11:2013-06-17 (T = 1440)
ll = -0.5*ln(2 * pi) - 0.5 * ln( sigma ^ 2 ) - ln(sqrtPark) - 0.5 * ( (( ln(sqrtPark) -
ln(lambda) - sigma^2/2)^2 ) / sigma ^ 2 )
Standard errors based on Hessian
estimate std. error z p-value
sigma 0.360439 0.00671545 53.67 0.0000 ***
c_ 7.26934e-05 2.98068e-05 2.439 0.0147 **
rng 0.0930949 0.0121914 7.636 2.24e-014 ***
err 0.881256 0.0163204 54.00 0.0000 ***
Log-likelihood 6803.599 Akaike criterion −13599.20
Schwarz criterion −13578.11 Hannan-Quinn −13591.32
However, when I produce in-sample fits, this model's fit is "biased". A
comparison of in-sample fits of a similar model (with eps[t] being exponentially
distributed) can be found at . The
blue line is simply "way below" the green one. The green one is nearly the same
in-sample fit as the one from a HAR model (i.e. the green line is a verified good fit).The
red line is the target variable. To solve the riddle I estimated this model in Julia and
got completely opposite results. Julia gets different estimates and the resulting
in-sample fit is "way above" what it should be. A comparison of in-sample fits
from julia can befound at . My
question would thus be whether you have any idea why this model behaves so wierdly.
Specifications with exponentially or weibull distributed eps[t] run and fit just fine in
both softwares.Any hint is much appreciated, Daniel