Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Sun, 20 Aug 2006, Peter Davidoff wrote:
> I have found that GRETL's current installation allows
> me to bypass calling the University IT when I need
> to install it on a campus PC. On my home computer
> where there isn't vast quantities of IT password
> protection I tell the installation program to install it
> to C:\Program Files\gretl without a problem.
> So I worry that if the installation program is made
> too "Windows" it will suffer installation delays (3 weeks
> last time for me) when I needed IT to install GRETL in
> a lab classroom. My vote would be for minimal
> installation change.
Thanks for that info! It did occur to me to wonder whether using a more
"standard" set of installation directories under Windows might create
some permissions problems. Any other thoughts on this?
We are only talking about changing *defaults*, not changing
possibilities, right?
When I install a new gretl (snapshot) version (on windows), I always
change the default "userdata" path to "programme" (name of program
in German windows). Peter could always apply his needed changes as well.
With respect to permissions, installing to "program files" (or localized
equiv.) could require admin privileges, depending on the settings of the
user account. In that sense, there is no difference to the current
"userdata" default. If by changing installation defaults you also want
to make non-admin installs easier, you would have to set the install
directory to something like the "documents and settings\username"
directory (I believe).