On Sun, 28 May 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Ok great, I would like to finish the German translation by then, so
need to clarify the remaining stuff I didn't understand. I've put
together a list of what's unclear to me, any help is
Thanks for the queries. A general comment is that for several of
the strings below, we should probably mark them as not to be
I'm thinking of the more technical error messages, which might
better go to stderr in English, with a more generic and more
easily translated error string shown in the GUI. I'll mark these
as "Don't bother" below, and revise thm out of the .pot file
before the next release.
I'll skip the ones that Jack has already answered.
1) Failed to initalize print struct for loop\n
apart from typo in English, what's struct?
Don't bother.
2) final %11.5f\n (in estimate.c)
final iteration, value, or what?
Final estimate of rho in Cochrane-Orcutt. This appears as the
bottom of a table with heading "ITER RHO ESS".
3) Failed to add values to print loop\n
Don't understand "print loop" here
Don't bother.
4) Freed %s\n
freed what?
A named object (e.g. "Model 10"). A more verbose statement would
be: "Freed the object named '%s'".
5) Failed to allocate DIB
what is DIB, and in what way is it allocated
Don't bother.
6) Codebook
what's that?
That's the English shorthand for a document describing the content
of a database, containing a detailed account of the interpretation
of the variables.
7) Failed to create pixbuf from file
what's a pixbuf?
Don't bother.
8) %s/by %s
need to know context
There are some tricky spots in translating composite GTK menu
items, and this is one. The first '%s' will be substituted
by the translation of "/Graphs/Separation" and the second will be
replaced by the name of a dummy variable.
9) Search wrapped
The search process reached the end of the text in the window, and
started again at the beginning.
10) PWE
Prais-Winsten Estimator.
11)No book or workbook streams found.
what's a book stream?
Don't bother.
12) Rescaled-range plot for
what's the context here again?
13) inf.
infinite, infimum or what?
Infinite (as in infinite degrees of freedom).
14) %s: out of bounds for a year?\n
what's that supposed to mean?
Don't bother.
15) Daily date to represent week:
what values can date take here?
I'll need to check that.
16) scale
size? magnification? ...
That one too.
17) Show English help
where does this appear?
It appears only if there's a translated version of the gretl help
file available (at present this applies for Italian and Spanish
18) Data set is not recognized as a panel.\n
Please use \"Sample/Set frequency, startobs\".
-- does this really still reflect the current menu structure?
No, you're right, this needs fixing.
19) Offset variable
This is in the context of a Poisson regression. Please see
'help Poisson'.
20) Seasonal
seasonal dummy, effect, or what?
Sorry, I need to check that.
23) Standard automatic analysis
is the standard analysis automatic or vice versa?
This refers to the default routine performed by TRAMO/SEATS, with
AR and MA lag orders determined automatically.
Allin Cottrell