This is not a software issue, but since it has been asked:
You can think of creating three separate categorical variables, one for
each type of school. Not binary variables (0,1), but each taking the
value of actual number of children (0,1,2,3,...) that go to each type of
school. In this setup, if you have a separate variable to indicate
whether there are children in the household or not, then you should not
use it anymore, since in such a household the three variables will each
take the value 0.
Alecos Papadopoulos PhD
Athens University of Economics and Business
On 22/11/2020 17:16, sheri hapuarachchi wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am using the multiple regression model to identify the determinants
> of household expenditure on education.One of my independent variable
> is the "type of school ''(It means whether they go to
> government,private or international school).for an example if there
> are 3 children in a household,two children go to government schools
> and the other child goes to private,when considering the whole
> household ,how to catergorize the variable?.Please send the possible
> way to find out.
> Thanks
> With regards,
> Sherika Hapuarachchi