When the explanatory ( or independent ) variable is zero then the value
taken by explained ( dependent ) variable is the value of the constant .
But if you see any book on statistics the fitted regression is Y= a+ bX. (
It is also written as (Y= mX+c) . So it is a value. . Sven Schreiber is
correct . Mine is a simple way . If you plot that actual and fitted value
it lies at a point where X is zero. Incidentally it may be positive or
negative also .
Feel free to communicate
On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Huffelpuff <huffelpuff420(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, this seems to work.
One last question: I was not able to get these values if I only had my
time variable as regressor. I had to add "const" as a regressor too, in
order to get the values (225 and 6.25). What exactly is const and what
values does it contain (I'm unable to edit this variable)?
On 2014/05/18 01:07 PM, Narandra Dashora wrote:
The estimated equation is
Model 1: OLS, using observations 1950-1957 (T = 8)
Dependent variable: Stock
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
const 225.000 6.21177 36.22 2.95e-08 ***
Time -6.25000 0.976086 -6.403 0.0007 ***
Mean dependent var 190.6250 S.D. dependent var 22.90313
Sum squared resid 468.7500 S.E. of regression 8.838835
R-squared 0.872340 Adjusted R-squared 0.851064
F(1, 6) 41.00000 P-value(F) 0.000684
Log-likelihood -27.63402 Akaike criterion 59.26804
Schwarz criterion 59.42692 Hannan-Quinn 58.19644
rho -0.010000 Durbin-Watson 1.650000
Now substitute time values in the estimated equation
225- 6.25 X
Give X values like 1 , 2 3 up to 10
You will get predicted values like this ( by manual calculation)
when X is 5 ( value for 1954 ) the estimated value is 193.75. When X is 6
( value for 1955) the predicted value is 187.5. By OLS this is the answer.
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Huffelpuff <huffelpuff420(a)gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to gretl, so forgive my ignorance. I'm aware that gretl provides
> forecasting functionality, but I'm interested in using any of the
> time-series models in gretl (AR, ARIMA, GARCH, etc) to interpolate a
> section of unknown data. If I have something like this:
> Year Stock value
> 1950 215
> 1951 220
> 1952 200
> 1953 195
> Then it is easy in gretl to predict the following years (1954, 1955, and
> so forth). But if I have something like this:
> Year Stock value
> 1950 215
> 1951 220
> 1952 200
> 1953 195
> 1956 190
> 1957 185
> 1958 170
> 1959 150
> I then want to "predict" (or technically interpolate) the values for the
> years 1954 and 1955 (the stock value will probably be something between
> 195 and 190). Is this possible with gretl? If so, how?
> Peter
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