I came up upon an issue in gretl regarding the tramolin package.
I have tried to run the sample script from the package and I get the following error. The
same error appears on all data sets I have tried.
Thanks you very much!
gretl version 2017dCurrent session: 2018-04-03 12:15
? include
tramolin.gfn C:\Users\rosu000s\AppData\Roaming\gretl\functions\tramolin.gfntramolin 1.11,
2017-01-28 (Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza)? open data9-3.gdt
Read datafile C:\Program Files\gretl\data\data9-3.gdtperiodicity: 4, maxobs:
87observations range: 1972:2 to 1993:4
Listing 10 variables: 0) const 1) period 2) reskwh 3) nocust 4) price 5)
cpi 6) incm 7) cdd 8) hdd 9) pop
? series price_c = tramolin(price)Data file is emptyData error
Error executing script: halting> series price_c = tramolin(price)