Dear all,
I replaced the gretl snapshot, my script worked perfectly before the change,
now, i find a new problem :
I estimate three models :
# estimate equation by equation:
logement <- ols WLOG const l_PLOG l_PTRANS l_PCOMP lnREALEXPCS
transport <- ols WTRANS const l_PLOG l_PTRANS l_PCOMP lnREALEXPCS
composite <- ols WCOMP const l_PLOG l_PTRANS l_PCOMP lnREALEXPCS
# then i want to extract the coefficients 2 to 5 of each equation:
matrix Z[1,]=transp(logement.$coeff[2:5])
matrix Z[2,]=transp(transport.$coeff[2:5])
matrix Z[3,]=transp(composite.$coeff[2:5])
matrix Z
But this no longer works as the result is :
composite saved
# construction d'une matrice des coefficients hors constante pour calcul des
? matrix Z[1,]=transp(logement.$coeff[2:5])
matrix Z[1,]=transp(logement.$coeff[2
Expected ')' but
found '['
Error executing script: halting
matrix Z[1,]=transp(logement.$coeff[2:5])
it seems it does not understand anymore that i want the transposed rows 2 to 5
of the three coefficient vectors to form matrix Z and print it...
any advice ?