Dear List
I am new to gretl and tried to compile the latest version under ubuntu
After installing dependency libgretl1 from, I downloaded the latest sources,
and run the usual ./configure 2) make ) sudo checkinstall. Important to say
at this stage is that gretl is installed in /usr/local/share/gretl (I guess
contrary to the package from the repo that wouldbe installed in usr/share).
A first (minor) issue when running gretl is that some functions for example
in the time series models (cointegration) are not available. This seems to
have occured already and was easily dealt by changing the gretl directroy,
as recommended in:
The biggest issue I have is that when I try to use some functions in gretl,
it complains that it cannot find these functions. Trying to insall for
example the gig extension, it is unable to install it as it does not find
the /usr/lib/gretl-gtk2/
indeed, there is not even a /usr/lib/gretl-gtk2/ folder. Even creating that
folder won't help, as it assumes the different files .so are available
here. I thought first it was a confusion of gretl concerning the different
folder, since now it is installed in /usr/local, but it seems there are no
such files as, nor anywhere on my disk system
Could someone explain me when these *.so are supposed to be
downloaded/installed (under which package?). Did I miss something during
the compilation stage? Is there a way to install them "ex-post" from gretl
Thanks a lot!!