removing nan and inf from a matrix
by Logan Kelly
I need to take the log difference of a matrix, i.e. log(M[2 rows(M):,]/M[1:rows(M)-1,]). Unfortunately, M has elements equal to zero. I need to replace the nan's and inf's with 0's. This almost works
M = isnan(M) ? 0 : M
but does not remove inf's. Any sugestions?
8 years, 8 months
bivariate probit in a loop
by Artur Bala
Dear all,
I'm currently estimating a bootstraped bivariate probit through a
progressive loop and retrieve each time the $yhat matrix. At some point,
the execution is interrupted with the "warning":
The statistic you requested is not available
>> genr series predict_external = $yhat[,1]
Is there a perfect prediction symptom behind this message isn't it?
Can one, in such a loop, skip cases where the MLE estimation is not
technically possible?
10 years
problems with daily data
by Sven Schreiber
I have a csv file with daily data, where each calendar day is a row, but
it's actually 5-days-a-week data, i.e. weekend days do not contain data.
First I have a problem with the import, gretl only imports it as undated
because it says about the date labels:
erster Zeilenkopf "99-01-04", letzter Kopf "2014-05-19"
Behandlung als undatierte Daten
(=treating it as undated), but the reason given is not true, because the
first date string is actually:
so there seems to be some problem with the date parsing.
Ok, I can work around that, defining it manually as 7-days-daily data
with the right starting date. Then I have the interface issue that at
the bottom it only says "daily" (in German), but I think it is important
here to show the distinction between 5- or 6- or 7-days-daily.
Next I would like to convert the workfile from 7-days-daily to
5-days-daily, i.e. remove the empty (=missings) weekends obs, but this
doesn't seem to be easy to do. (Note that removing all missing obs is
not equivalent, because that also eliminates other holidays, which is
another topic. Also I know I could use 'join' together with the source
csv file to do that, but I think it should be easier than that, no?)
When I try to work around that by removing all missing obs (including
the holidays) within the 7-days-daily workfile, I run into the old
problem that gretl then starts treating it as undated and the date
information is lost. Note that I cannot then manually set it to
5-days-daily because of the missing holidays which gretl doesn't know
about, i.e. the imposed dating produces errors, and this accumulates
over time.
The first thing mentioned is a bug, but any ideas about the other stuff?
10 years, 5 months
svar inquiry
by Deborah Sy
To the Gretl community,
I am trying to do the long run Structural VAR using 9 variables. With the
(n^2-n)/2 formula, I am left with 36 constraints. I used the C-model and I
was able to restrict the template matrix but I cannot seem to generate the
SVAR result.
The following is the Hansl code shown:
Index value 0 is out of bounds.
*** error in function init_C, line 4
> S = Ss [,1:k-1]
called by function SVAR_estimate
called by function GUI_SVAR
May I know what went wrong here? Your help is greatly appreciated.
10 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-users] "Bundle" and "Script" translations
by Logan Kelly
Hello all,
I asked a colleague from Brazil. Here is his reply
The proposed translation is correct and, likely, the best possible.
From my viewpoint, the use of “Grupo” for bundle is not appropriate.
-------- Original message --------
From: Henrique Andrade
Date:06/29/2014 5:23 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: "Gretl Discussion List (users)"
Subject: [Gretl-users] "Bundle" and "Script" translations
Dear Gretl Community,
Today I start to fight against my (translation sentences) enemies:
"bundle" and "script" :-). Most of the time I'm using "sequência de
comandos" to replace "script" and "grupo" to translate "bundle", but I
really think these are far away from the ideal.
I would like to hear what Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese users
think about my suggestions:
script -> roteiro
bundle -> pacote
I really appreciate your suggestions ;-)
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
P.S.: Bundle is a kind of Gretl "object" that can store series,
strings, matrices, etc.
Gretl-users mailing list
10 years, 7 months
gretl for Linux crashes on Ubuntu 1404
by Malcolm Bradley
I am using gretl for the first time to produce linear regressions with OLS.
gretl crashes consistently on Ubuntu 1404 as the 'OK' button is clicked.
The same data in gretl for windows 7 produces correct results and no
crashes. The Ubuntu and Windows 7 versions of gretl are run on the same
physical machines - a netbook and a desktop - each machine being dual boot.
Ubuntu recognises the crashes and prompts for a bug report to be sent,
which I have done.
Any pointers appreciated as Ubuntu is my preferred operating system.
10 years, 7 months
"Bundle" and "Script" translations
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Community,
Today I start to fight against my (translation sentences) enemies:
"bundle" and "script" :-). Most of the time I'm using "sequência de
comandos" to replace "script" and "grupo" to translate "bundle", but I
really think these are far away from the ideal.
I would like to hear what Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese users
think about my suggestions:
script -> roteiro
bundle -> pacote
I really appreciate your suggestions ;-)
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
P.S.: Bundle is a kind of Gretl "object" that can store series,
strings, matrices, etc.
10 years, 7 months
Problem with "loop for" using Gretl in Portuguese
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
Please take a look at the following script:
# Loop 1:
matrix Quantis = {}
loop for (i=0.01; i<=1.00; i+=0.01) --quiet
matrix Quantis = Quantis ~ $i
print Quantis
# Loop 2:
matrix Quantis = {}
loop i = 1..99 --quiet
matrix Quantis = Quantis ~ $i/100
print Quantis
Loop 1 and Loop 2 produce the same output when Gretl uses English as
language. But when I use Gretl in Portuguese I get the following error
"O símbolo ',' não é válido neste contexto
Erro de sintaxe"
The same error doesn't occur when I use "i" instead of "$i".
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
10 years, 7 months
Hansl primer
by "Juan C. Estévez"
Hi colleagues,
I guess there's no way to access the Help items 'Hansl primer' and
'Keyboard shortcuts' PDF with a PC that has no Internet connection.
But, is possible to access these files by a simple copy from an alredy
installed version on a PC with Internet?
In that case, where must be copied the hansl-primer.pdf and gretl-keys.pdf?
Best regards and thanks.
Juan C. Estévez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
10 years, 8 months
Avoid the 64-bit Windows snapshot!
by Cottrell, Allin
I updated the 64-bit Windows snapshot today and it won't run
on my Windows 8 installation (none of the programs, gretl.exe,
gretlcli.exe, wgnuplot.exe). There's some weird "unresolved import"
issue that I haven't managed to figure out yet.
However, if anyone is handy at debugging this sort of thing on
Windows, that would be very helpful!
Allin Cottrell
10 years, 8 months