gretl 1.8.6 released
by Allin Cottrell
11/25/2008 version 1.8.6
- Fix bug: the "print" command for series fails after
exiting a loop with the --progressive option set
- ARIMAX models: follow the practice of most software
and difference both the dependent variable and the
exogenous regressors; a new option, --y-diff-only,
restores the old behavior of leaving the regressors in
levels. This resolves bug 1972626.
- arima: fix some "corner case" bugs and extend the options
that can be controlled via the GUI
- Add hyperbolic functions, asinh and friends
- heckit: use analytical score, and use hyperbolic
transformation in estimating rho
- Fix bug: a native gdt file made from imported data could
end up containing non-UTF-8 characters (and hence not
be openable)
- Fix bug: the internal $error variable associated with
the --continue option to (e.g.) "arima" could get stuck
on within a command loop
- Fix bug: ensure that the "dataset addobs" command is
recorded in the session command log when observations
are added in the course of forecasting
- Fix bug: corruption in saving GARCH models in a session
- "fcast": add a --plot option to generate a plot of the
forecast in batch mode
- L-BFGS-B: add a "set" variable, lbfgs_mem, to control the
number of corrections used in the limited memory matrix
- GUI dialogs for mle, gmm: add controller for BFGS details
- "scatters" command: add an --output option as for the
"gnuplot" command
- Fix bug: the popup menu item "Execute line", in script
windows, was not working
- Fix bug: bad Weibull plot (under "Distribution graphs")
when adding Weibull curve to an existing plot that includes
negative values of x
- Add facility to display normal and logistic CDFs
- Add convenience function: logistic()
- MS Windows package: update pango and gnuplot
- Scalar variables: improve GUI management, and add a
--scalars option to the "varlist" command
- "mols" function: add option of retrieving the covariance
- Add new function "weekday"
- Fix memory leak on repeated sub-sampling
- Miscellaneous small GUI fixes
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
15 years, 3 months