gretl 2022a released
by Allin Cottrell
This release packs quite a few new features.
2022-02-02 version 2022a
- Copy/Paste of data in the GUI: make this facility more
visible, and support gdt format in addition to delimited
text; support Ctrl-C to copy
- Panel data time dimension: add apparatus to specify this
via the graphical interface
- Packaged panel data files: add more metadata where wanted
- Add a daily data file to the package: bikesharing.gdt
- Ensure the expected round-trip from strptime to strftime
for underspecified dates such as "1990"
- "set seed" command: allow parameter "auto" to revert to an
automatic clock-based seed
- "dpanel" command: add facility to "collapse" instruments
as in David Roodman's xtabond2
- "kpss" command for panel data: improve output for the case
where automatic lag order is selected; record $test and
$pvalue in matrix form
- "markers" command: add a --from-array option to read from
an array of strings
- "shell" command: clarify the help text
- "genr": get informative error messages to appear in more
- Kalman (state space) apparatus: revise the documentation
to use more standard notation; revise internal code for
better maintainability (could be faster too)
- Indexing into matrices, arrays, lists and strings: support
the keyword 'end' to denote the last element; in the case
of matrices this is specific to row or column
- Support direct assignment of array of strings to string-
valued series, if the array is of appropriate size
- New function interpol() for linear interpolation
- New function mat2list(): create a list of series from the
columns of a suitable matrix
- New function distance(): evaluate the distance between
points on various metrics such as Euclidean, Manhattan,
Hamming, Chebyshev, Cosine and Mahalanobis
- deseas() function: add several options to inflect the
specifics of deseasonalization via X-13ARIMA-SEATS
- stdize() function: make it default to working as stated
in the help text (df correction of 1 for std. dev.)
- errorif() function: get this working within an mpi block,
in which case it can be used outside of a function
- tdisagg() function: limit (per default) the number of
observations for which automatic extrapolation is done
- Fix gmm bug: crash when a user-supplied weights matrix is
wrongly sized
- Fix bug in "bds" command: failure in case no --corr1 or
--sdcrit option is given
- Fix bug: automatic on-demand downloading of some addons was
not working (at least dbnomics, regls)
- Fix bug: panel time-series information could get lost on
exit from a function in which a panel dataset is subsampled
- Guard against crash on non-square invalid input to the
eigensym() function
- GUI console: add "Clear" button to clear the prior content
of the console window
- GUI VAR/system, Graphs menu: improve appearance of multiple
residual plots
- Build fixes for FreeBSD, for the non-OPENMP case, and for
recent macOS
- Package for macOS with M1 processor: add more syntax
highlighting styles for script editor
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
2 years, 11 months