gretl 2018a released
by Allin Cottrell
2018-03-17 version 2018a
- New function instring(): boolean variant of strstr()
- "join" command: add --aggr=spread option for importing
high frequency data for use in MIDAS analysis
- strsplit() function: add optional third argument to choose
the separator on which to split strings
- mreverse() function: make this work for a list argument
- hpfilt() function: add option of one-sided filter
- svm() function: better handling of missing values, and add
support for probability estimation
- cdf() function and friends: add support for Laplace
- R-function support: handle string arguments
- rename some functions: colnames becomes cnameset, rownames
becomes rnameset, and colname becomes cnameget; the old
names still work as aliases
- New function rnameget(), strictly analogous to cnameget()
- Fix bug: setting of a series as "discrete" via the GUI got
- Fix bug: the --www option for opening a database file got
- Error messages from X13-ARIMA: try to relay these to the
user more effectively
- "arima" command: big speed-up for exact ML estimation of
specifications without an AR component
- "heckit" command: add selection equation regressor list to
$model bundle under the key "zlist"
- "xtab" command: add --quiet option and enable accessors
$test and $pvalue for the Pearson chi-square test in the
bivariate case
- "difftest" command: add --quiet option
- "smpl" command: add --quiet option
- "foreign" command, python interface: add support for fast
data transfer via binary matrix files
- CSV data reader: support date format YYYY-Qq for quarterly
- Kalman filter documentation: add an example, one-sided
Hodrick-Prescott filter in the manner of Stock and Watson
- GUI: tabbed script editor option: make this the default
- GUI convenience: add facility to generate 100-based indices
of selected series
- GUI plot editor: support selection of dash patterns for
plots using lines
- GUI file chooser for "Open data": remember the last chosen
file type and set the filter accordingly
- Build fix: correct undefined symbol in cephes/iv.c
- Boxplots: fix for incorrect extent of "whiskers" in some
- Boxplots: fix for "collapse" of boxplot when edited in
the GUI, if the locale decimal separator is ','
- GUI fix: the iterate option for groupwise weighted least
squares (Model/Panel menu) had become disconnected
- GUI fix: plot with confidence band could go wrong in the
presence of missing values
- Windows fix: error on trying to save a record of executed
commands on program exit
- Several refinements for configuring and building gretl on
MS Windows
- Windows packages: update to gtk 2.24.32
- OS X fix: intra-program drag-and-drop provoked crash
- translations: add simplified Chinese
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
6 years, 11 months