gretl 1.9.92 released
by Allin Cottrell
2014-09-20 gretl version 1.9.92
- Add new functions: isdiscrete(), isdummy()
- Enable faster execution of assignment statements in loops
- Add and document function-form of "sprintf"
- Fix bug: correct the procedure for recoloring following
prewhitening in the context of the Newey-West HAC estimator
- Fix bug: "omit" would not print full estimates in a loop
- Fix bug: crash when using "Edit/modify model" in GUI for a
biprobit model
- Fix bug: "catch" for genr in loops not always setting $error
value on error
- Fix bug: incorrect behavior of randgen() for uniform values
when the given lower bound is negative
- "append" command: add option --update-overlap
- "data" command: use --compact option in place of ad hoc
"(compact=method)" syntax
- MS Windows: improve handling of non-ASCII text in RTF output
and when putting data on the clipboard
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
10 years, 3 months