gretl 1.9.0 released
by Allin Cottrell
05-02-2010 gretl version 1.9.0
- New command: "duration", for estimation of parametric
duration models (e.g. Weibull)
- New command: "negbin", for estimation of count data
models using the Negative Binomial distribution
- poisson regression: add overdispersion test and also
--robust option to get a QML covariance matrix
- New command modifier, "catch" to catch errors and
permit continuation of script execution
- "labels" command: add options to write variable labels
to file, and to read labels from file
- Consolidate commands: the old "graph" and "plot"
commands (ASCII graphics) are unified in "textplot"
- Enable full-text search of "online" help files
- Enable help for specific "settable" variables, as in
"help set lbfgs"
- "mread": search the gretl working directory if the
file is not found at first
- "dataset sortby": allow the use of a list to specify
multiple sort keys
- ODBC import: enable extraction of multiple data series
per SQL query
- ODBC: enable support in the binary packages for OS X
- Observation labels: permit non-ASCII UTF-8 characters
- Export of data to R, interactively: add a message
confirming that the export worked
- "foreign" code blocks: add support for GNU Octave
- GUI: add export/import of variable labels
- GUI: enable choice of ordering for Cholesky decomposition
for VAR impulse response plots
- GUI graph editor: add option to show a grid; add facility
to display highlight bars in time-series graphs, e.g.
NBER recession dates
- Filter functions movavg, bkfilt and hpfilt: offer
greater control via additional optional arguments
- Add new functions, digamma, kdensity, monthlen and
epochday (the latter two are calendrical)
- Add new built-in constant: "macheps" gets the
machine precision
- OS X package: add icons and associations for gretl data,
script and session files
- Add compile-time option to use openmp for multi-threaded
matrix multiplication
- Fix bug: crash on exact collinearity when estimating a
system of equations
- Fix bug: broken test output in tsls when the matrix of
instruments is near to rank-deficient
- Fix bug: errors in Exponential Moving Average in GUI
- Fix bug: non-ASCII characters not handled in function
package upload to server
- Fix bug: double normal cdf did not handle correctly some
corner cases
- Fix bugs 2944000, 2956109
- Fix font-encoding issues on MS Windows: session-names
with non-ASCII characters were not appearing in the gretl
title bar; and the encoding was getting broken between
copy and paste, e.g. in script windows
- Fix bug in Hausman test after tsls: ensure the sample size
is consistent
- Fix integer overflow bug in Breusch-Pagan poolability test
- Graphing via gnuplot: require version >= 4.2.0
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
14 years, 10 months