gretl 2017d released
by Allin Cottrell
Fixes and enhancements include the following...
2017-11-07 version 2017d
- New accessor, $tmax: gives the maximum legal setting for
the end of the sample range via "smpl"
- $model bundle: add members t1 and t2 (start and end of
estimation range)
- New function getinfo(): returns a bundle with information
on a specified series
- New function cdummify(): applies to a list, with the effect
of "dummifying" any and all series in the list that have
the "coded" attribute set
- New function numhess() to compute numerical Hessian; also
improve accuracy of the underlying numerical_hessian code
- "pca" command and princomp() function: center but do not
standardize when computing principal components using the
covariance matrix
- "midasreg" command, mds() term: allow specification of min
and max lags via scalar variables
- psdroot() function: use improved algorithm (from Golub and
Van Loan)
- fdjac() function: add (optional) trailing argument to set
step size
- randgen() function (and related): add support for the
Exponential distribution
- CSV importation: improved handling of quote symbols
- Fix bug: incorrect standard errors when the --robust option
is given for random-effects panel estimator in presence
of missing values
- Fix bug: rename() function not working on Windows when
the target filename already exists
- Fix Windows-specific bug: long strings could get "lost" in
printf and sprintf
- Fix bug: on repeated estimation of a given arima model in
a function one might get slightly different results
- Fix for Windows XP: produce a build of gnuplot that does
not depend on API introduced in later Windows versions
- Fix for Mac: try to ensure the default font is not too big
when printing a script
- Fix for text search on Windows: try to ensure the found
text is actually scrolled into view
- GUI: enable a tabbed editor for foreign scripts
- GUI: fix breakage in function-package search facility
- GUI: fix crash on requesting "Numerical summary" for panel
groups boxplot
- GUI: fix for GUI editing of MIDAS plots
- GUI: improve font-selection dialogs, including a "Reset to
default" option
- GUI: don't show duplicates in the database browser window;
in case of duplicates just show the newest version
- Build process: enable use of "configure ; make" when
building gretl on Windows using MSYS2
- Experimental: add support for machine learning via SVM:
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
7 years, 4 months