gretl 2024d released
by Allin Cottrell
2024-12-12 version 2024d
- "append" command: make the help text more explicit
- "pca" command: make a $result bundle available
- "square" command and square() function: don't skip dummy
variables when computing cross-products
- xmax() and xmin() functions; consolidate with max, min but
retain the "x" variants as aliases until further notice
- Fix possible incorrect behavior of "smpl" in some special
cases (inside a function, when the dataset is sub-sampled at
the caller level)
- nelem() function: ensure that it returns the number of bytes
in a string argument, as per the documentation
- Avoid false positives in detecting markdown in help text for
function packages
- Windows10 theme: fix invisibility of some GUI elements
- recent macOS: fix crash on trying to open PDF viewer to a
specific chapter of the User's Guide
- dbnomics addon: don't fail on database IDs that contain '@'
(as some OECD identifiers now do)
- gretl_edit: use a scrollable window when displaying stderr
output, so it doesn't get truncated
- When adding a 1x1 matrix to a bundle via defbundle() or _()
don't automatically convert it to a scalar
- Tweaks for handling of empty matrices plus a little more
- GUI: support Ctrl + mouse-wheel to resize text
- GUI: fixes for breakage when resizing plots in some cases
- Documentation for addons: avoid collision with hyperref
Allin Cottrell
Professor Emeritus of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
3 months