2012-11-05 version 1.9.10
- Update translations
- Major new command "join": this adds sophisticated procedures
for assembling a dataset from multiple sources
- New command "markers": manipulate observation marker strings
- "delete" command: add a --force option to permit deletion of
series in loops (to be used with caution!)
- "data" command: allow this in loops
- "open" command: rename the option for reading fixed format
data from --cols to --fixed-cols; also allow use of this command
in loops (gretlcli only)
- "dpanel" and "arbond" commands: indicate in the model
printout if the AR, Sargan or Wald tests failed
- "gnuplot" command: add a --with-lp option to use linespoints
- "modtest" command: support the autocorrelation option for
ARMA models, using the Ljung-Box statistic
- "boxplot" command: add a --matrix option (works in the same
way as with the "gnuplot" command)
- "freq" command: add a --matrix option to select a column
from a named matrix instead of a series
- "corrgm" command: make the $test and $pvalue accessors
available for the Ljung-Box test at the maximum lag
- "xtab" command: use string values of variables if available
- Add three new functions: ghk(), halton() and isnan()
- The mread() function now allows leading #-comment lines in
the plain text file from which a matrix is read
- Add two new accessors: $pi and $huge
- Fix for ARMA forecasts: ensure that the dynamic portion
starts as soon as possible when the --dynamic option is
- Switch to using libcurl for HTTP transaction support
- Add two new element-wise matrix operators, ".>=" and ".<=",
(greater than or equal, less than or equal)
- Fix some buggy behavior in regard to empty matrices
- Fix for use of "catch" (to trap errors) in loops
- Fix GUI bug: lagged series could become invisible in the
main window under some (unusual) conditions
- Allow passing "null" as an argument for lists in
user-defined functions
- Enable indexing into named lists to get the ID numbers of
- Bivariate normal cdf: switch from Drezner(78) to a faster
and more robust algorithm
- randgen() function, gamma distribution option: switch to the
fast Marsaglia-Tsang generator for gamma variates
- GUI: add check for updated addons, such as gig
- GUI icon view: enable copying of graphs and matrices
- GUI graphs: in saving as PDF, remember the user's choice of
font size for the duration of the session
- MS Windows build: work around problems associated with the
"Virtual Store" folder-redirection introduced in Windows
- Linux: add proper XDG support (mime types, icons)
- OS X package: update the gmp, mpfr and fftw libraries
- MS Windows and OS X: update gnuplot to version 4.6.1
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC