gretl 1.7.7 released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual, see
8/28/2008 version 1.7.7
- Revamp of internal handling of scalar variables
- The --preserve option to the "nulldata" and "open" commands
now preserves existing scalars as well as matrices
- Windows package: update to GTK+ 2.12.11 and friends
- Inside functions: restrict the smpl command within the
bounds set on entry to the function
- setobs command: if used inside a function, revert the
effects on exit
- ordered probit/logit: fix for the case where the dependent
variable does not form a continuous integer sequence;
fix reporting of information criteria; switch to the mode
of presentation of cut-points used by Stata and R
- string-editing dialogs: ensure we have a cancel button
- Saving data when the dataset is currently sub-sampled:
fix breakage whereby the option to restore the full dataset
was not shown
- Naming variables: put in place more stringent checking to
avoid name collisions across series, scalars, matrices, etc.
- VARs in saved sessions: ensure that we save the information
needed for subsequent bootstrap analyses
- Fix the mechanism for searching for a user's customized
LaTeX preamble file (got broken at some point)
- LaTeX compilation: be more lenient -- getting some output
on standard error does not necessarily mean that
compilation has failed
- Determining the main gretl directory: try to handle the
case where the user has a stale ~/.gretl2rc file
- Minor OS X fixes
- Respect keyboard "Esc" as dialog "Cancel" more consistently
- Variable selection dialogs: allow use of right and left
arrow keys to activate the "Add" and "Remove" buttons
- Linear models without a constant: print the centered R^2 as
well as the uncentered
- Fix for reading native data files containing auto-generated
lags: re-establish the lag info correctly
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
16 years, 6 months