gretl 1.8.5
by Allin Cottrell
gretl 1.8.5 is now available at the usual place:
This is mostly a bug-fix release but has incremental
enhancements of functionality in several respects.
10/10/2009 version 1.8.5
- Fix: avoid duplicating the return line when saving
packaged functions that were originally old-style
- Several refinements for function-package editor
- Update the gretl function package DTD
- genr: improvements in type-handling for some tricky
- Internal clean-up: revamp gretl's mechanism for reading
configuration info and setting paths at start-up
- Fix bug in handling of the R dll on Windows
- Function parameter [min:max:default] values: fix bug
for locales using ',' as decimal separator
- Fix bugs 2843717, 2848633, 2865384
- Fix bug in corrgm() function when the series given as
arguments contain missing values
- Add --to-file and --from-file options to "set" command
- Several refinements for the GUI "model table"
- Fix bug: error when trying to save the dataset, in the
context of a saved-then-reopened session file
- Fix bug: in some circumstances model tests failed to
respect the sample used when estimating the model, if the
sample had since been changed
- Fix bug: wrong results from the "fcast" command after
estimating an ordered probit or logit model
- Fix bug: the --output option to the "gnuplot" command was
not being respected in the gretl console
- Fix bug: inconsistent handling of maximum command-line
length in the context of loops
- GUI, main window, Sample menu: add an item to print
details of the current sample status
- On closing GUI session, close any open graph windows
- RATS databases: recognize weekly data
- Eviews data importer: fix recognition of the starting month
or quarter for dated time series
- CSV data importer: recognize the rather strange represent-
ation of dates in the IMF's International Financial
- Add importer for SAS "xport" data
- GUI model window: add option to view the model in equation
format, in plain text, for simple models
- $hausman accessor: make this available for panel models
estimated via the random effects estimator
- add financial functions npv and irr
- win32: update GTK+ stack to 2.16.6; update gnuplot to
CVS as of 2009-09-13
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
15 years, 4 months