gretl 1.8.4 released
by Allin Cottrell
Apologies for the short life of gretl 1.8.3, but this release
fixes some series problems in relation user-contributed function
8/28/09 version 1.8.4
- Fix breakage in GUI interface for calling user-defined
functions, plus fixes for GUI function package editor
- Patches from Mandriva: build OK with -Wformat-security,
and respect LDFLAGS as supplied by user
- Add "to" to the list of reserved words
- Enable testing of nonlinear restrictions on simultaneous
equation systems
- Update docs and examples for the "new style" definition
of functions
- Small modification to GUI series editor
- Try to make path-searching a little smarter for files
referenced in scripts
- GUI language switcher: add a workaround for platforms
missing proper locale aliases
- Stata dta importer: try to work around missing character
encoding information
- ODS import: fix bug 2841292
- win32: update GTK+ stack to 2.16.5
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
15 years, 6 months
gretl 1.8.3 released
by Allin Cottrell
8/10/09 version 1.8.3
- Fix bugs 2819633, 2827358, 2828349, 2833434
- $stopwatch: use times() function if available, to include
execution time of child processes
- Add function "mreverse" to reverse rows of a matrix
- Add function "deseas" to deseasonalize a monthly or
quarterly time series using X-12-ARIMA or TRAMO/SEATS
- Remove function "strcmp" as redundant
- Add "sscanf" function
- Add function "pergm" corresponding to the pergm command
- Several fixes and enhancements for interaction with
- Many small GUI fixes
- Add (optional) support for Ox programs via the "foreign"
- Ctrl-X in editing windows: cut text, don't exit
- Data importers: add a comment to the imported dataset
saying where it came from
- 3-D graphs: use the wxt terminal in gnuplot if it's
- Fix for putting RTF onto clipboard on OS X
- Observation labels ("case markers"): print up to 15
characters of such labels
- Support compaction of hourly (24 hours per day) data
to daily
- Add "set" variable "csv_na" to control the representation
of NA values in CSV output (also GUI selector for same)
- Remove old "set" variable, "protect_lists"
- Help windows: substantial revamp of GUI, plus fixes for
dealing with translated helpfiles
- Add experimental function debugger: new "debug" command
- Stata importer: support current format 114 .dta files
- MS Windows: update the GTK+ stack
- Lists: allow formation of a new list by subtraction of
one list from another
- "omit" command with --auto option: allow specification
of a list of candidates for omission
- fix bug: "smpl --no-missing" was not always purging
missing values in the case of panel data
- fix bug: possible confusion when creating a named list if
the dataset contains a variable named "to"
- fix bug: wrong error message given by "system" command
on encountering missing values
- fix bug: crash in estimating a system via LIML when the
equations are given in TSLS fashion (i.e., y X ; Z)
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
15 years, 6 months