gretl 1.9.13 released
by Allin Cottrell
Note to packagers: the default is now to build gretl against gtk 3 if
both gtk 2 and gtk 3 are available. A gtk 2 build can be forced via
the configure option --enable-gtk2 .
2013-10-24 version 1.9.13
- Add Bulgarian, Catalan and Galician translations
- Add new functions: psum(), prodc(), prodr(), toupper(),
getline(), isodate(), regsub(), atof()
- "adf" command: add option to optimize the lag order using
the procedure recommended by Ng and Perron (2001), and
make their modified AIC method the default
- "outfile" command: add --quiet option
- "var" command: add syntax to select specific lags
- "boxplot" command: add facility to specify literal gnuplot
lines, as with the "gnuplot" command
- "setobs" command: add panel-specific options to set panel
time characteristics and group names
- "join" command: substantial enhancements for dealing with
realtime data
- Make it legal to set loop_maxiter to 0 (hence disabling
the safety iteration limit for "while" loops)
- Improve internals of pprintf() -- handle big string args
- readfile() function: check for valid UTF-8 and recode if
possible if the text is not UTF-8
- mwrite() and mread() functions: add support for gzip
- setnote() function: add an entry to the function reference
- mshape() function: allow scalar as first argument
- filter() function: allow matrix as first argument
- GUI: add stacked-bar option for FEVD plot in connection
with VAR estimation
- Fix a few small GUI memory leaks
- Linux and Windows: add check for multiple instances of
gretl, and choice to open a double-clicked file in the
prior gretl instance, if any
- Fix bug: encoding problem when printing from model window
on Windows
- Fix bug: "catch" not working properly when applied to
genr expressions within loops, and also for multi-line
commands in loops
- Fix bug: bad behavior when taking the transpose of a
scalar variable in a loop
- Fix bug: daily dates in old format YYYY/MM/DD not handled
correctly in the context of time-series plots
- Fix bug: incomplete error-detection when parsing calls to
diff() and log() on model-specification command line
- Fix bug: $obsminor and $obsmicro not working with weekly
- Fix bug: matrix re-import from octave was broken
- Fix bug: functions such as obsnum() which expect a string
argument were failing when the argument was given in the form
of a function that returns a string
- Fix bug: when python code is embedded in a gretl "foreign"
block within a user-defined function, indentation of the
python code was not being respected
- Fix bug: in the context of the ternary query operator (as in
"condition ? true_branch : false_branch") the presence of an
undefined symbol was generating an error even if this symbol
was confined to the non-selected branch
- Fix bug: the "modeltab" command with the --output=filename
option was not working properly unless "modeltab show" was
executed first
- Stata .dta importer: read Stata 12 data files
- xlsx importer: handle "inline" strings
- CSV importer: ignore leading byte order mark
- MS Windows: add a 64-bit build of gretl as a download option
- OS X: add a 64-bit gtk-quartz build of the gretl package
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
11 years, 4 months