gretl 1.9.12 released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual, see
Here's the changelog entry:
2013-03-15 version 1.9.12
- Officially increase the maximum length of variable names
to 31 characters
- "foreign" command: add support for Python + NumPy
- "markers" command: add support for the panel-data case
where the number of markers equals the number of cross-
sectional units
- "delete" command: add option to delete all variables of a
specified type
- "qlrtest" command: compute asymptotic p-value as per Bruce
Hansen's method (1997)
- "modeltab" command: add --output option to direct the model
table to a specified file
- $xlist accessor: make available for system estimators
- You can now use "bundle b = null" to create a new bundle or
empty an existing one
- Enable more streamlined syntax for setting and accessing
objects within bundles, as in bundle.member
- Add new string function strstrip()
- Add new data-manipulation function aggregate()
- Add new function quadtable(), for Gauss quadrature
- Add new function remove(), for file deletion
- lags() function: add an optional third parameter to control
the ordering of terms in the output list
- mread() and mwrite() functions: add an optional argument to
direct read/write to the user's "dot directory"
- Add accessors $obsmajor and $obsminor to get series holding
(for example) year and month; also $obsmicro for daily data
- Improve structural integrity of model specification dialog
(it now behaves properly on resizing)
- Gnuplot version: require 4.4.0 (March 2010) or higher
- GUI preferences dialog: add facility to set the default
scale for PNG plots
- GUI Tools menu: add an item to launch an interactive gnuplot
- GUI Add menu: add support for auto-generated dummy variables
that code for a specific range of observations (or a single
- Fix bug: transient objects created within functions were
appearing in the GUI icon view window
- Fix bug: possible crash when regressors are dropped from a
random-effects panel model due to near-prefect collinearity
- Fix bug: possible crash in vecm with lag order 1 and no
deterministic terms
- Fix bug: loss of precision when printing data to CSV file,
in some cases
- User's Guide: clarify the use of string substitution, plus
numerous small updates
- Environment: respect GRETL_CONFIG_FILE to override the
default of ~/.gretl2rc on unix-type systems
- Daily dates: switch to ISO 8601 for output and preferred
input (but accept YYYY/MM/DD for backward compatibility)
- MS Windows build: update GTK to version 2.24.17, and build
with openmp support
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
11 years, 11 months