gretl 1.9.90 release
by Allin Cottrell
2014-05-02 version 1.9.90
- GUI reorganization: move the Function packages menu from
/Files to /Tools
- GUI enhancement: add News button under "/Help/About gretl"
to display list of changes in the current version
- Help menu: add item for the new "hansl primer" which covers
the basics of gretl's scripting language
- Introduce a new native binary datafile format, the gdtb file
(zipped XML metadata plus binary values)
- Add new functions: bread(), bwrite(), substr(), easterday()
- "summary" command: add --weights option
- "tabprint" command: add --csv option
- fdjac function: provide choice of algorithm
- Enable use of arrays in the SFMT random number generator
- Enable use of value labels (if any) in factorized boxplots
- Enable use of named lists in the GMM() and GMMlevel()
parameter-groups for the "dpanel" and "arbond" commands
- Print out alternative definition of R^2 in FE linear panel
data models
- Add choice of compression level when saving data in native
gdt format
- Stata dta import: handle (illegal!) non-ASCII characters in
variable names
- X-12-ARIMA interface: support the new X-13-ARIMA-SEATS as an
- Fix bug: incorrect plot header when the --radians option was
given with the "pergm" command
- Fix bug: the --test-down option to "coint" was not working
as advertised
- Fix bug (?): the final regression in "coint" (Engle-Granger
test) could end up using a different sample range depending
on whether or not the --skip-df option was given
- Fix bug: incorrect handling of Poisson regression when the
specification does not include an intercept term
- Fix bug: bad handing of decimal comma in context of the --by
- Fix bug: incorrect treatment of big-endian SPSS "sav" files
on data import
- Fix bug: the auxiliary regression for White's test should
contain a constant even if the model to be tested does not
- Fix bug: wrong starting date being sent to x12a/x13as for
monthly data starting in October
- Fix bug: score calculation for random-effects probit was
- Fix bug: incorrect estimates when the --robust option was
used with the "wls" command
- Fix bugs 181, 182
- Internals: add support for multiple, independent PRNGs
- configure script: add an option --disable-www which drops
the libcurl dependency, conditional on not building the
GUI program
- win32 build: update gmp to 5.1.3, mpfr to 3.1.2
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
10 years, 10 months