gretl 1.10.1 released
by Allin Cottrell
Version 1.10.1 is a quick-fix release for a bug that crept into
1.10.0, resulting in breakage of the default behavior of the ADF
unit root test.
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
9 years, 11 months
gretl 1.10.0 released
by Allin Cottrell
We're pleased to announce the release of gretl verion 1.10.0.
The main changes are listed below:
2015-04-02 version 1.10.0
- Replace old command-line parser with new, faster "tokenizer"
- Add "install" command to install function packages via the
command line
- "chow" and "qlrtest" commands: add --limit-to option to
restrict the break test to a subset of regressors
- "qlrtest": add new accessor $qlrbreak
- Add new function qlrpval(): gives Bruce Hansen's asymptotic
p-values for QLR sup-Wald test
- GUI command log: make the log window more accessible, and
make it refresh automatically
- GUI design: standardize the position of the window list
button (top right), and make it more functional
- GUI, panel data: some improvements to plotting options
- GUI, script editor: add support for Stata scripts
- GUI, model table: support tsls models; also remember format
preferences across gretl sessions
- "join" command: support native data files (gdt, gdtb) as well
as delimited text files, for data importation; also support
importing data from more than one series at a time
- "foreign" command: where the --send-data option is supported,
add an optional list parameter to limit the exportation to
a named list of series
- "data" command: fix incorrect importation of series with
lower frequency than the current dataset; also add an
--interpolate option for that context
- "set" command: add a new setter, "robust_z" to select
asymptotic p-values when using the --robust option in
- mwrite() and mread() functions: add facility to write and
read matrices in binary format
- Stata dta importer: handle format 117 (Stata 13)
- CSV importer: add code to handle the case where data values
are written with thousands separators
- KPSS test: use improved version of Sephton-type response
surface to find critical values
- ADF test: don't try to use Ng-Perron modified AIC/BIC for
lag-length selection when GLS pre-processing is not chosen;
add option to use Perron-Qu lag-length selection
- Fix bug: GUI panel plot failed if the start of the sample
range was advanced
- Fix bug: crash on attempting to open a file from the "Recent"
list within the GTK file chooser
- Fix bug: user-defined plots could generate an error dialog
even if they display OK
- Fix bug: crash on reading gdtb (binary) data file containing
observation markers
- Fix bug: crash on using "omit" with a duration model
- Fix bug: crash on trying to compact hourly data
- Fix bug: copy-and-paste produced raw RTF mark-up in some
cases on MS Windows
- Builds for Windows: update cross-compiler to gcc 4.8.4;
update to OpenBLAS 2.13; replace Netlib reference lapack and
blas with OpenBLAS in 32-bit build; update to GTK 2.24.27;
update to gnuplot 5.1 (CVS)
- Mac quartz build: update to GTK 2.24.25
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
9 years, 11 months