gretl 1.10.2 release
by Allin Cottrell
Changelog entry:
2015-09-13 version 1.10.2
- "install" command: add a --local option plus the ability
to install a package from a chosen server
- "chow" command: represent the --limit-to option in the GUI
- "corrgm" command: add --bartlett option to use Bartlett
standard errors for the ACF
- "hsk" command: add --no-squares option to emulate the
variant of this procedure favored by Wooldridge
- "vif" command: upgrade to show Belsley-Kuh-Welsch variance
decomposition for diagnosing collinearity
- "panel" command, fixed-effects variant: when the --robust
option is given, substitute robust joint tests on both the
regressors and the fixed effects
- cdf(), pdf() and invcdf() functions: add support for non-
central variants of the chi-square, F and Student's t
- Add new function square(): returns list of squares of its
list argument, with the option of also generating cross-
- Add new function seasonals() for "smart" generation of
seasonal dummies, with the option of centering the dummies
- Add function pexpand() for creating a non-time varying
panel series from a vector
- Matrix comparison: add ".!=" operator to test for element-
wise inequality
- TRAMO interface: allow saving of "linearized" series
- Add new accessor $lang to get national language identifier
- Add Romanian translation
- Random effects probit: parallelize quadrature code
- GUI: numerous improvements and fixes for editing and
configuring function packages
- Fix bug: the wrong F-test was being reported for the fixed
effects estimator with the --robust option
- Fix bug: possible hang of "foreign" on Windows when using
Rterm non-interactively
- Fix bug: bwrite() not completing until gretl exits
- Fix bug: matrix transpose (') not accepted before the colon
of the ternary query operator
- Fix bug: model sample information not being updated when a
sample restriction is applied with the --permanent option
- Fix bug: optional arguments to bkfilt() function not being
recognized properly
- Fix bug: urcpval() might not update its argument when
called inside a loop
- Fix bug: assigning "null" to a new array was not working
- Fix bug: crash when "tabprint" is used without a filename
- Fix bug: TRAMO options not always getting set as per the
user's selection via the GUI
- Fix bug: normality test for system residuals not hooked
up for non-time series models
- Fix bug: "open" with --odbc option not working
- MacKinnon urc p-values: much faster calculation
- MS Windows build: add option of using Clearlooks theme;
add a new build of libcurl with SSL enabled
- OS X (quartz) build: update the packaged gnuplot build and
add support for the "wxt" terminal
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
9 years, 5 months