gretl 2018a released
by Allin Cottrell
Aside from bug-fixes the main innovation is that SVM
support (machine-learning) is now built-in and so is
available on all platforms.
2019-01-24 version 2019a
- Hush some warnings issued in the GUI, plus several
small GUI improvements
- Increase the default size of the script editor window
- dbnomics support: transition to using the v22 API
- Ban creation of named lists containing the semicolon
separator, to ward off potential crashes
- "foreign" block with Julia: add --no-compile option
- "xtab" command: support TeX output and add some more
formatting options
- "lad" command: add --no-vcv option
- SVM support: make this available on all platforms and
drop the requirement of separately installed libsvm
- Fix bug: expansion of dataset via interpolation could
fail under some conditions
- Fix bug: generation of random series via the GUI got
- Fix bug: "diff" command not always respecting a revised
sample range
- Fix bug: the deseas() function stopped working when used
with x12a/x13as
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
6 years