gretl 2019d released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual, see
2019-12-22 version 2019d
- Add support for complex matrices, with new functions
carg, cmod, complex, conj, ctrans, eiggen2, fft2, Re, Im
and schur; documentation in a new chapter of the Gretl
User's Guide
- MPI data transfer: enable sending of arrays, and speed
up sending of bundles
- Enable nesting of arrays
- New function randperm() (Matlab-compatible, permutation
and sampling without replacement)
- New function stdize() for standardization or centering
of series, list or matrix; plus new "stdize" command
- mwrite() and mread(): treat "*.csv" filenames specially
on both read and write to ensure correct round-trip
- "set" command: add new "boot_iters" argument to set the
number of iterations used when computing impulse response
functions with confidence interval
- Fix bug: possible crash on appending multiple lists to a
list inside a bundle
- Fix bug: "fcast" could fail to produce dynamic out of
sample forecasts in some cases where it ought to be OK
- Fix bug: "(" could in certain cases be misinterpreted as
starting a series lag specification
- Fix bug: strsplit() could produce 1 less than the correct
number of elements when "\n" is used as separator
- Fix obscure bug: ensure that a user-function does not
return directly a variable passed as a const argument
- Fix obscure bug: ensure that a function cannot access
the namespace of its caller, which could happen under
certain special conditions
- Matrix row and column names: arrange for these to be
preserved in a larger set of cases
- For various commands: document the --quiet option
- Functions ones(), zeros(), muniform(), mnormal(): make
the second argument optional; the shape now defaults
to a column vector
- Generalize the I() function: can now create a non-square
- The resample() function: add an optional third argument
to control the number of draws, for matrix input only
- "modtest" command with --autocorr option: add support for
Wooldridge's first-order test for panel data
- "funcerr" command: add a function version of this
- "pkg" command: add "query" action plus --quiet option
- "system" command: support the --robust option, but only
when estimation is via OLS
- "var" command: enable the "omit" test
- "set verbose": add a "comments" setting
- "outfile" command: add --tempfile option to use an
automatically named temporary file
- "markers" command: add option to save observation marker
strings in the form of an array
- Internals: speed up element-wise matrix calculation by
use of function pointers
- "Send-to" (email) functionality: use libcurl and improve
the user interface; it's now gmail-compatible
- GUI: don't close native database windows on "Clear data"
- GUI: beef up error-checking for the case of defining a
dataset as a panel via index variables
- GUI: fix for failure of "freezing" plot data labels in
some cases
- Builds for MS Windows and Mac: switch to use of libgsf
for zipping/unzipping
- Update support for building gretl on MS Windows
- MS windows package: add new "Windows-10" theme
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
5 years, 2 months