gretl 2020a released
by Allin Cottrell
2020-03-05 version 2020a
- Verbose output for numerical optimization: make the
default more basic but add a new "full" setting for the
set-variable "max_verbose"
- "wls" command: support the --cluster option
- "scatters" command: improve handling of daily data
- Work on lasso back-end (not public yet)
- New function instrings() to locate instances of a given
string within an array of strings
- mpireduce() and mpiscatter(): accept a string variable
for selection of the "op" argument
- feval(): handle functions that take no arguments
- sprintf(): fix potential breakage when used within a
ternary query statement
- jsongetb(): support nested JSON arrays
- Reorganization of time-series model menu: add code to
protect packages written for gretl < 2019d
- SVD: use faster divide-and-conquer lapack function
where applicable
- complex(): make the second argument optional
- defarray(): treat scalar arguments as 1x1 matrices
- arrays: allow as function parameters and return values
- xlsx data importer: handle a wider variety of cases
- ODBC data importation: handle string-valued series
- OpenBLAS speed-up: limit the number of threads to the
number of physical cores on the host machine
- Fix bug: possible buffer overrun on printing list of
instruments for IV regression
- Fix bug: incorrect results when applying unary +/- to
complex matrices
- MS windows packages: update OpenBLAS version
- Numerous small GUI fixes and enhancements
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
5 years