grep 2022b released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual, see
2022-08-09 version 2022b
- new command/keyword "continue" for use in loops
- new option --decr for use with index loops
- new function commute(): pre/post multiplication by the
commutation operator (replaces analogous function in the
extra addon)
- new function sphericorr(): spherical coordinates
representation for correlation matrices
- "garch" command: add the model order scalars (p and q) to
the $model bundle
- "leverage" command: add $result accessor to obtain
leverage, influence and studentized residuals as matrix
- "pergm" and "fractint" commands: use FFT for computing the
- "printf" command: add "\r" as a recognized escape sequence
- "smpl" command: add --dates option to resolve potential
ambiguity of obs limits in case of annual and daily data
- "markers" command: add --from-series option
- "store" command: support saving a gretl session file (only
in the GUI program), given the ".gretl" suffix
- "vecm" command: redefine the "order" member of the $system
accessor to give the lag order in levels, consistent with
the vecm documentation
- assert() function: add a "fatal" switch to abort program
execution when an assertion fails
- deseas() function: add the option of saving the X-13ARIMA
specification created by gretl; add option to specify the
ARIMA model; document the verbose option
- qrdecomp() function: support column pivoting, via new
optional third argument
- weekday() and isoweek() functions: generalize to accept
dates in ISO 8601 "basic" format
- rank() and ginv() function: add optional tolerance
- Support direct assignment from string-values series to
array of strings
- script editor: enhancements for Find/Replace dialog
- GUI viewer windows: support Ctrl-plus and Ctrl-minus to
increase/reduce font size
- R support: enable exchange of matrices in binary format
- Fix bug: failure of dbnomics download on Windows when
a very large number of series is specified
- Fix bug: crash on use of the --full option with "restrict"
when applied to the alpha terms in a vecm
- Fix bug: breakage in GUI item "X-13ARIMA analysis"
- Fix bug: crash on trying to stringify() an empty series
- Fix bug: det() should not flag an error when returning NA
- Fix bug: make "set loop_maxiter 0" behave as advertised
- Fix bug: misbehavior when subsampling within a function a
panel dataset that was subsampled prior to calling the
function in question
- Fix bug: the 'end' keyword for indexing into matrices
could fail under certain conditions
- Fix bug: obsnum() producing unwanted results in case of
5- or 6-day daily data
- Fix obscure issue: ensure that libR gets a correct value
for R_HOME when the user has specified the location of as a symlink (probably specific to Linux, and
confined to the context of gretl's "foreign language=R")
- Fix GUI bug: the option of showing lagged series in a
selection dialog not always available when it should be
- Fix GUI bug: incorrect behavior of function-call dialog
when defining a new list
- distribution: remove unused file, addons.txt
Plus a couple of new features which are not yet "official" but are
available for testing
- Dedicated script editor (not on macOS yet): see
- New state space functionality; see
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
2 years, 7 months