gretl-2023a released
by Allin Cottrell
The change log follows:
2023-03-02 version 2023a
- "logit" command (binary case): add a matrix holding odds
ratios plus standard errors and confidence intervals to the
$model bundle; also make this information available under
the Analysis menu in the GUI model window
- "set" command: add key "hac_missvals" to select the policy
for HAC estimation when there are incomplete observations;
and make the Equal Spacing method the default
- "gnuplot" and "plot" commands: putting an .html suffix onto
the output filename now invokes gnuplot's "canvas" driver
- "midasreg" command: generate more specific error message
for invalid specification
- "fcast" command: enable the --plot option for forecasts
based on a system, when a single series is selected;
introduce --all-probs option for ordered logit/probit and
multinomial logit models
- "system" command: ensure that the $system bundle includes
the sample limits as "sample_t1" and "sample_t2"
- strptime() and strftime() functions: generalize to allow
vectorized usage, and add variants (strpday, strfday) to
work with epoch days rather than Unix time
- pexpand() function: add optional boolean switch to expand
in the cross-sectional dimension
- readfile() function: ensure that we construct a legitimate
local filename when downloading a web resource
- normtest() function: add option to include all available
tests in the returned matrix
- int() function: return NA if the integer part of the argument
lies beyond the range of a 32-bit signed integer
- instring() and strstr() functions: drop the policy of auto-
escaping the string to be found
- qform() function: introduce alternate syntax for the case
when the middle matrix is diagonal
- CSV data importation: be less hasty in concluding that the
column separator is comma
- CSV importation via GUI: clarify the dialog that governs
how the first column is treated; also don't show any string
tables at the moment of importation (strings tables can now
be accessed under the Data menu)
- "join" via the GUI: make it evident that specifying keys
may not be necessary with time-series data; fix a bug with
use of the filter option
- Script editor, split pane: ensure that when line-numbering
is selected it carries over to the new pane; also improve
tab-completion for names of functions
- Drag and drop of data file onto gretl: offer a choice of
replacing or trying to append to the current dataset
- Fix error message for invalid (string) array index
- Fix error message for missing function-package dependency
- Fix bug: buffer overrun when creating names for transformed
series if the original series has a very long name
- Fix bug: crash on doing "pkg install" from the command line
when the window listing function packages on the server is
displayed at the time
- Fix bug: possible false positive when checking for duplicate
function packages
- Fix bug: the weekday() function could produce an off-by-one
error in some cases
- Fix for detection of the R executable when called via a
foreign block on macOS
- configure/build apparatus: add support for using Intel's
oneAPI and MKL, or libblis + libflame, for BLAS and LAPACK
- macOS build: include TargetConditionals.h in libgretl.h
- MS Windows: work around the limitations of mktime() and
localtime() using GLib functionality
- geoplot addon: document the facilities available for
plotting qualitative data; fix a bug whereby writing a
map as an image file (e.g. PDF) could fail
- Gretl User's Guide: rewrite the "Calendar dates" chapter
including more information on the available formats and
the means of converting between them
- Reinstate old function file path for backward compatibility
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
2 years