gretl 2023b released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual, see
Changelog entry:
2023-07-21 version 2023b
- New command "kdplot": simple access to a kernel density plot
for a single series
- New function typename(): return a string giving the type of
the argument (can replace typeof() and typestr())
- "arima" command: implement built-in procedure for assessing
lag orders, via new --lagselect option, and add GUI access
- "corr" command: add 1 percent critical value of correlation
coefficient to the output
- "join" command: import descriptions of newly-added series,
if present
- "gnuplot" command: add new options --inbuf and --outbuf to
accept, respectively, input from a named string and output
to a named string
- "smpl" command with the panel-data --time option: support
the --replace modifier
- "outfile" command: insist on correct syntax for usage with
the --tempfile option
- aggregate() function: support matrix input
- misszero() and zeromiss() functions: support matrix input
- SVAR addon: implement mixed (set-based and zero) restrictions
- geoplot addon: make the plot key position configurable
- regls addon: add an mregls() function for working with data
in matrix form
- Add optional boolean "skip_na" argument for several matrix
functions that compute statistics
- Functions bkfilt, bwfilt, fracdiff, filter: disallow panel
data since these functions assume regular time-series data
- Boxplots: respect the chosen gnuplot theme, if applicable
- Add "empty" as a dummy constant for initializing an empty
string, matrix, bundle or array
- "numeric" meta-type: allow usage in function packages, and
hook it up for syntax highlighting
- Function packages: support use of Markdown for help text
- Function packages: add a new special function role named
"ui-maker" to support customization of the user interface
- "R_functions" facility: handle row and column names when
passing matrices to and from R
- Fix bug: failure in the Kalman function ksmooth() when in
"univariate" mode and the observable has more elements than
the state
- Fix bug: possible failure in "smpl" with the --time option
for panel data
- Fix bug: memory corruption on trying to append an array to
- Fix bug: single-equation LIML could fail when there's no
constant in the specification
- Fix bug: spurious "no data avilable for forecasting" error
in GUI forecasting from ARIMA model without constant term
- Fix bug: function package code with very long lines could
lead to a crash (e.g. on "View code" in the GUI)
- Fix bug: the sumc() function produced incorrect result for
complex matrices (too large by 1)
- Fix bug: potential crash on calling a hansl function with
no arguments when it has only optional parameters
- Fix bug: MPI crash on broadcasting an empty matrix, with
some MPI variants
- Fix bug: potential crash in estimating a restricted VECM
when there are no regressors outside of the cointegration
- Fix bug: potential crash in "arima" with the --x-12-arima
option with data starting in the year 1
- Fix GUI bug: dynamic panel data model menu item not always
available when it should be
- Fix GUI bug: breakage on trying to select the decimal comma
when exporting data as CSV
- GUI "Check for addons" facility: redesign to present the
information more clearly
- GUI sample selection for panel data: clarify and fix
- GUI "stop" button to abort script execution: make this more
- GUI "dataset structure wizard": improve the efficiency of
checking candidate unit and time variables for panel data
- Add new example data file: sunspots time series from 1740
- User's Guide: updates, including description of data file
- Add more strings to gretl.pot and update translations
- 64-but Windows build: update to OpenBLAS 0.3.23 and MS-MPI
version 10.1.3
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
1 year, 7 months