gretl 2024b released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual see
This is mostly a bug-fix release, but there is some new functionality.
2024-05-21 version 2024b
- "gridplot" command: add a --title option
- "clear" command: add an --all option
- instrings() function: add optional boolean argument to get
a simple boolean return value
- typeof() function: functionality is extended to cover hansl
expressions in general
- exists() function: recommended usage is restricted to top-
level identifiers, but backward compatibility is preserved
for the present
- new function binperms() for binary permutations
- Testing for equality via "==" and "!=": extend this to cover
arrays and bundles
- help files: clarify the help for some commands and improve
- $sysinfo bundle: add "stack_size"
- mrw (Mankiw-Romer-Weil) dataset: rename "inv" as "i_y"
- Fix bug: crash on replacing a single character in a string
variable, when the replacement UTF-8 character takes up more
bytes than the original
- Fix bug: potential crash when using the "smpl" command on a
dataset that is already subject to random resampling
- Fix bug: possible confusion in parsing lag specifications
for list members, as in "list.vname(-1)"
- Fix bug: possible interference of options passed in "plot"
with those passed to "gnuplot"
- Fix bug: crash in 32-bit gretl for Windows when trying to
read gdtb data files created on a 64-bit system
- Function packages: validate gfn files using an XML schema
rather than a Document Type Definition
- GUI, function packages: further extensions to the "ui-maker"
functionality, plus minor fixes for the function-call dialog
- GUI: support the --preserve-panel option in the dialog box
for sub-sampling
- GUI: support the Gamma distribution under /Tools/Distribution
- GUI: fix the "Packages" entry under Help
- GUI: ensure that all fonts scale on zoom in/out in help
- GUI: add more choices for plot scaling
- GUI: improvements to the regls dialog
- Internals: economize stack usage in case of nested function
- 64-bit Windows build: increase stack size to 8 MiB (as per
Linux and macOS)
- regls addon: bug fixes and improved documentation
Allin Cottrell
Professor Emeritus of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
9 months, 3 weeks