gretl-2022c released
by Allin Cottrell
As usual, see
Per the ChangeLog, here's what's new:
2022-11-01 version 2022c
- substantial speed-up for hansl functions called from loops
or other iterative contexts
- lists and strings: support vector selection of elements
- "printf" command: support a named string variable as the
"format" argument
- "ols" command with --jackknife option: make the output more
specific, and complain when this option is not applicable
- "panplot" command: add --single-yaxis option, and support
the addition of "literal" supplementary gnuplot commands
(but not when the --grid or --stack option is selected)
- "append" and "join" commands: support the --frompkg option,
as for the "open" command
- toepsolv() function: add fourth argument for returning the
- flatten() function for arrays of strings: add the ability to
specify a custom separator
- strsub() function help: note that an array of strings can be
given as the first argument
- instring() and strstr() functions: add optional parameter
for case-insensitive search
- gretl_edit: enable auto-completion, add some specialized
"developer" options, and add a "kill" button to stop script
- script editor: add hide/show functionality for selected
regions in a hansl script
- script editor, "Help on command": disambiguate cases where
we have a command and a function of the same name
- regls addon: plotting enhancements; document GUI usage
- geoplot addon: start adding support for encoded data
- Clarify and properly enforce the case where the "const"
property of a hansl function argument must be inherited
- Fix and speed up reading of gretl's binary matrix files via
Python (under gretl's "foreign" apparatus)
- Fix bug: fail after first iteration when adding a string to
an array of strings defined within a loop
- Fix bug: corruption on extracting a "series" from a bundle
as a matrix when the series contains NAs
- Fix bug: the GUI option to purge all-missing rows from a
daily dataset could go wrong; in addition make this option
available for scripting use via the "dataset" command
- Fix bug: some cases where an ARMA model can be estimated
most efficiently via OLS were not being recognized
- Fix bug: crash on trying to extract a submatrix of size
zero via indexation
- Fix some actual or potential memory leaks
- gnuplot version requirement: raise from 5.0 to 5.2
- Update mechanisnm for uploading function packages, since
sourceforge now requires use of https
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
2 years, 4 months