OT: Sandwich
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
One of the few geeks joke I found really funny.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà"
18 years, 2 months
(maybe, small) bug
by Cristian Rigamonti
Hi, I've just compiled the latest CVS following this procedure
(on Linux):
cd (root cvs directory)
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --enable-build-doc
su -c 'make install'
All went well, the program works fine, but I get this warning message in the
xterm window:
helpfile error: word='critical' not recognized
This happens using the C (us) locale; if I use the it locale, I get:
helpfile error: word='critical' not recognized
helpfile error: word='seed' not recognized
helpfile error: word='critical' not recognized
Is this some kind of bug, or I missed something in the compilation procedure
(maybe I should compile something in the /doc directory)?
GPG/PGP Key-Id 0x943A5F0E - http://www.linux.it/~cri/cri.asc
Free software, free society - http://www.fsfeurope.org
18 years, 3 months
Trouble compiling Gretl.
by Hélio Guilherme
Hash: SHA1
Dear All,
First of all I announce myself.
I am Helio Guilherme, I am graduated in Operations Research, I have been
contributing to Gretl with translations to Portuguese (web site and
Compiling Gretl was never a straight forward task to me. I had trouble
with F77 and LAPACK, and today installed MPFR, but gretl does not find
it. Must be something to do with paths :(.
Well, more important is this current compiling errors:
helio@techno:~/gretl-1.6.0/gretl> make -k
make -C lib
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/helio/gretl-1.6.0/gretl/lib'
make[1]: `libgretl-1.0.la' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/helio/gretl-1.6.0/gretl/lib'
make -C cli
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/helio/gretl-1.6.0/gretl/cli'
../libtool --mode=link gcc -o gretlcli gretlcli.o complete.o
../lib/libgretl-1.0.la -lreadline -lncurses
libtool: link: warning: library `/usr/lib/libgfortran.la' was moved.
gcc -o .libs/gretlcli gretlcli.o complete.o
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so -L/usr/lib -llapack -lblas -lf2c
/usr/lib/libgfortran.so -L/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/libxml2.so -ldl -lz
- -lm -L/opt/gnome/lib /opt/gnome/lib/libglib-2.0.so
/usr/local/lib/libgmp.so -lreadline -lncurses
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `gen_save_or_print'
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `parser_charpos'
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `parser_getc'
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `parser_ungetc'
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `gen_cleanup'
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `parser_print_input'
../lib/.libs/libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to `realgen'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [gretlcli] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/helio/gretl-1.6.0/gretl/cli'
- ----
Please be aware that before this it was stopping at the
../lib/src/geneval.c, reporting that have no rule to build geneval.lo. I
manage to build all of them (geneval genfuncs genlex gensyntax genmain).
With this info, can you help me?
Thank you,
Helio Guilherme
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
18 years, 3 months
Arima session bug
by Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
one of my colleagues discovered a new bug in Gretl (official 1.6.0) in
Windows, and I can see that the same thing occurs in Linux:
1- Open a time series dataset (for example data3-6)
2- Estimate an ARIMA model for one of the variables.
3- In the model window, select "File/save to session as icon"
4- In the main window, go to "session files" and click on "save session as"
and write a name.
5- Close Gretl.
6- Open Gretl again,
7- select "File/session files/"
8- open the previously saved session, and
9- double-click on "Model 1", then --> ¡¡ gretl exits !!
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)
18 years, 3 months
Re: man pages
by Cristian Rigamonti
Hi, do we have a rough estimate for the time of the next release?
I was wondering about updating the gretl.1 man page (and perhaps adding a
gretlcli.1 page); can I start working on that?
Actually I've noticed that gretl and gretcli support almost the same options.
The following are supported by both gretl and gretlcli
-e --english
-q --basque
-b --batch
-h --help
-v --version
-r --run
The following are supported only by gretl
-d --db
-w --webdb
-c --dump
The -p | --pvalue option is supported only by gretlcli
(this is weird: I can't find this one in lib/src/interact.c, parseopt()
function, which I used to track available options, nor in other files in my CVS
So we could either make gretlcli support -d, -w, -c and mention it in the
current gretl manpage, or add a new manpage for gretlcli (maybe there are other
reasons for that, besides the difference in supported options).
GPG/PGP Key-Id 0x943A5F0E - http://www.linux.it/~cri/cri.asc
Free software, free society - http://www.fsfeurope.org
18 years, 3 months
by john w
The idea to have a crosscorrelation function is very nice and usefull.
I hope that it will be included in "wiew" gretl menu.
Windows Live Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!
18 years, 3 months