GTK3 based gretl on Wayland
by Marcin Błażejowski
I've been using GTK3 based gretl for years - without any problems.
Recently, I decided to move from the very old X11 graphics to Wayland
and I encountered the following two problems:
1. Drag-and-drop actions don't work (neither for scripts nor data).
2. Clipboard is one-directional: I can copy raw text from the operating
system to gretl, but I cannot copy enything from gretl to operating
system (scripts, results).
I checked GTK2 and everything is ok. I'm using current git version.
Marcin Błażejowski
1 year, 11 months
gretl(cli.exe) has problems removing temp files on Windows
by Sven Schreiber
recently (?) I'm observing these kind of error messages on a Windows
shell, as the last message before the called gretlcli.exe program exits:
win32_remove 'prntmp.J1BKZ1': 'Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei
zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.
( = Process cannot access file because it is in use by another process.)
One (but not the only) situation where this happens is when I call
'gretlcli.exe --makepkg mypkg.inp'. So far it seems that no actual
problems are caused by this error message; nevertheless it didn't happen
"before" and it's making me a little nervous.
My suspicion is that it may happen because usually when I call
gretlcli.exe I also have the GUI program running, and so maybe they both
try to do stuff in the dotdir?
2 years
tobit's --quiet flag to quite guiet
by Marcin Błażejowski
when we perform tobit command with --guiet flag we sometimes get the
following message: "Warning: couldn't improve criterion (gradient =
6.04477e-06)", which /per se/ makes estimation not so quiet. So, the
question is: shall we leave current behavior or make 'tobit --quiet'
really quiet?
If the later, I wrote a simple patch which suppress any messages
(attached). Another possibility would be adding '--silent' flag, which I
could do either?
What do you think?
Marcin Błażejowski
2 years
crash when clicking the "show windows" button
by Sven Schreiber
just got a hard crash on Windows with a Jan-7th snapshot, when I clicked
the upper-right corner button that is supposed to show a drop-down
context menu with a list of open windows.
I'm not trying right now to reproduce it, and so fixing this may be
difficult, but I'll report the circumstances as I remember them.
- I had just run the regls sample script, opening it via the package
list window.
- The script editor was open in tabbed mode with a lot of tabs (more
than could fit horizontally).
- The console was swallowed.
Don't know what else was going on.
2 years
Hanl on Jupyter Notebook
by Federico Fiorani
Dear all,
I was thinking that having hansl on jupyter notebook would be a very useful
Has anything been implemented yet?
From what I've seen, creating a kernel for hansl with IPython shouldn't be
"too complicated" (or so it seemed to me).
What are your thoughts on this?
2 years
small error with modprint
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, not sure if the following is a bug per se, but the error message is
strange in any case:
open denmark
matrix dummymat = {3, 0.5; 2, 0.6; 4, 0.9}
strings somenames = defarray("ha", "ho", "he")
modprint dummymat somenames # works
extram = {-3}
somenames += "extra"
modprint dummymat somenames extram # works
modprint dummymat somenames {-3} # fails
So it looks as if the vector at the end of the modprint command cannot
be given as a literal. This looks like a bug to me, but not sure. The
error message, however, claims that the strings array before it is
causing problems, and I guess that's just wrong.
2 years
missing image files in git master?
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, I got errors on Linux at the "make install" stage because some
figure files were not present. I believe this is in relation to geoplot
2 years
stacked area chart needed?
by Sven Schreiber
Hi everybody, and perhaps Artur T. in particular,
I found an old script file with a plotting function "stackedarea" lying
around on my harddisk, and I'm attaching it in a slightly updated form.
I'm not sure if we currently have the functionality of producing a
stacked area plot somehow, although two or three times it was discussed,
I believe.
Any hints and comments welcome, especially on the question whether this
should be turned into a function package.
2 years
new crash recipe (with 'inject')
by Sven Schreiber
Hello again,
here's a fairly minimal example:
open denmark
system method=ols
equation LRM 0
equation LRY 0
end system
RR = defarray("[2 , 10] = 0b") # the "b" got shuffled around
inject RR
end restrict
Actually, the single-equation variant also "works" in producing a crash:
open denmark
ols LRY 0 LRM
RR = defarray("[2] = 0b")
inject RR
end restrict
But apart from such input errors, "inject" seems to work nicely!
2 years
about some syntax highlighting details
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, here's one or two questions about the specification of keywords and
such in gui/gretl.lang and the way it interacts with syntax highlighting.
I'm working with the relatively new way to specify restrictions in a
system, using the "inject" command inside a restrict block, introduced
in gretl 2021b. I'm noticing that "inject" is not syntax-colored. Would
it be correct to add a line "<keyword>inject</keyword>" in the section
<context id="commands" style-ref="command"> in the gretl.lang file?
Also, I'm seeing "TRUE" and "FALSE" in the $-accessor section
("internalvars"), although they are not such accessors. (I.e., $TRUE
doesn't work, and TRUE isn't syntax-colored.) Not sure how to solve
that. Maybe introduce a new section "internalvars2" that do not take a $
2 years