Gretl project on the launchpad
by Ivan Sopov
Hello, gretl developers.
I'm trying to start a translation of help files into russian on as it seems to be the most suitable tool to participate
for all familiars with econometrics but not with gettext, linux. cvs,
The problem is that there is already a project for gretl on launchpad
and it is strongly prohibited to start more than one project for a
single program. I cannot contact with Constantine Tsardounis for about
a month, so I think it is time to re-assign that project to someone
else. On the irc-channel of launchpad I was told that
Our admins can re-assign the project to new owners but we'd prefer to
hear from the upstream owners. can you get one of them to submit a
question here:
But if nobody from main developers wants to register and do something
at launchpad it is possible to assign this function to me and in that
case a letter in this list will probably be enough.
I have prepared a .po-file for genr_funcs.xml and gretl_commands.xml
with the help of po4a utility and got 1511 strings for translation
(strings a rather big).
Good luck, Ivan Sopov.
P.S. My previous letter about using launchpad for translation is
12 years, 4 months
gretl 1.9.7 + website docs
by Allin Cottrell
gretl 1.9.7 is now on sourceforge -- merry christmas!
For those of you who have translated the gretl web pages,
please take a look at your pages for Windows and OS X in
particular, and compare them with the English ones. The
translations have fallen behind in some cases. The English
pages are now better formatted than before, but more
importantly they offer different files (a zipfile version of
gretl for Windows, and a more up-to-date GTK Framework for OS
Reminder: when updating translations, you should first do a
cvs update in doc/website in the gretl source tree, then edit
any relevant files, including the ones in the template
subdirectory, then commit your changes. (Dates and version
numbers are automatically updated based on the files in
13 years, 1 month
Syntax colouring within system command
by Berend Hasselman
When de practice script klein.inp is loaded in the script editor, I notice that the words identity and endog are not being coloured. The same with instr.
Given how they are described in the manual, I take it that they are of the same relevance as equation.
Shouldn't they also be syntax coloured?
13 years, 1 month
Gretl Session Problem
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Allin,
I think I'd found a problem in the Gretl session files. I'm saving
different kind of models inside a .gretl file (OLS, VAR, and ARIMA)
but she is saying that she can't rebuild some objects.
Using australia.gdt I'm estimating the following models:
ols E const PAU PUS --robust
var 4 PAU PUS E --robust
arima 1 0 1 ; 3
Looking further into the session.xml file (inside "teste.gretl" -
attached in this e-mail), I can see all my models:
<session-model name="Modelo 1" fname="model.1" type="1" />
<session-model name="VAR 1" fname="model.2" type="3" />
<session-model name="Modelo 2" fname="model.3" type="1" />
Is this a bug?
Um abraço,
Henrique Andrade
13 years, 1 month
Problem with Font when Showing PDF from gnuplot
by Hélio Guilherme
Hi All,
I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and 1.9.7cvs.
When tried to see a PDF for a time series plot, got and error with the
setting of the font.
I have no error if I edit the plot and have a preview of the PDF.
>From the console output (below) seems to be on the dimensions not
having the units (or problem with commas):
Lido o ficheiro de dados /home/helio/share/gretl/data/misc/denmark.gdt
periodicidade: 4, máxobs: 55
intervalo das observações: 1974:1-1987:3
gnuplot: using pngcairo driver
get_png_bounds_info(): OK
stderr: '
set term pdfcairo font "sans,10" size 5,31,2,92
"/home/helio/.gretl/gptout.tmp", line 1: unrecognized terminal option
gretl_errmsg: '
set term pdfcairo font "sans,10" size 5,31,2,92
"/home/helio/.gretl/gptout.tmp", line 1: unrecognized terminal option
Failed command: '"gnuplot" "/home/helio/.gretl/gptout.tmp"'
(gretl_x11:22666): Pango-WARNING **: failed to choose a font, expect
ugly output. engine-type='PangoRenderFc', script='common'
termstr: 'set term pdfcairo font "FreeSans,10" size 5.31in,2.91667in'
Please note that the caret (^) is under the middle comma of 5,31,2,92
when seen in the console (fixed font).
I also attach the screenshot.
Best Regards,
13 years, 1 month
pasting data into gretl
by Allin Cottrell
gretl 1.9.7 has an undocumented featurette that some people may wish
to play with. I think it responds to a request made by Sven some
time back.
If you hit ctrl-v in the gretl main window, gretl checks to see if
there is something available as text from the clipboard. If so, it
pops up a dialog asking if you'd like to try pasting data (with the
choice of overwriting or appending, if there's a dataset in place).
If you choose "OK", the text from the clipboard is written to a
temporary file and gretl tries to open/append it as "CSV". (It
doesn't actually have to be comma-separated, gretl is fairly smart
at guessing the delimiter.)
So far I have only tested this on Linux, with data copied from
gnumeric and -- and that worked fine. I'd be
interested to hear if it works on other platforms; in particular,
does it handle data copied from Excel on Windows?
Note that for success, the material copied to the clipboard should
respect the requirements for spreadsheet data importation via file
as set out in the User's Guide.
Contest with a prize of a free copy of the latest gretl release: if
this works, where should it go in the gretl menus (besides being
attached to ctrl-v)?
13 years, 1 month
gretl's TeX output
by Allin Cottrell
Hello all,
We have a problem with internationalization of gretl's TeX output
(mostly on Windows) and I'd like to ask for your views.
The current situation is as described in chapter 32 of the Gretl
User's Guide. That is:
(a) If the "system" encoding is UTF-8 we output TeX in UTF-8 and put
appropriate \usepackage{} lines into the TeX header. That's OK.
(b) Otherwise we output TeX in the locale encoding and put
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} into the header. That might have been
OK in the days when the only translations of gretl were into West
European languages, but it's not OK any more.
My proposed fix is that we always output TeX in UTF-8, regardless of
the platform and the system text encoding. This means that when we
output "complete" TeX files (with a header) they will include:
Does anyone see a problem with this? Or have an alternative
13 years, 1 month
crash recipe
by Sven Schreiber
this time I have a working example insofar as the following script
crashes gretl (recent cvs) for me:
open denmark
dataset addobs 4
# script operates on denmark with obs added until 1988:3
list lhs = IBO IDE LRM LRY
function void mycheck(list lhs, series rhs)
list allrhs = null
loop foreach i lhs
list rhs_$i = rhs(-1) # trivial example
if i=1
list allrhs = rhs_$i
list allrhs = allrhs ; rhs_$i
system method=SUR
equations lhs allrhs
end system
fcast 1987:4 1988:3
end function
smpl 1974:1 1987:3
Maybe there is again a bug in the script, but I guess we agree that
gretl shouldn't crash.
Actually the background for testing this script was that I had the
following situation in a bigger, more realistic context:
1. do dynamic 3-step forecasts inside a function
2. do them sequentially in the sense of adding one obs at a time (for
forecast evaluation)
3. when the loop got to the penultimate available observation (in this
case sample end at 2010:10, so data available until 2010:11, but the
workfile range set until 2011:4 or so), the 3-step 'fcast' command only
produced forecasts for two periods, until 2010:12; the third row of the
$fcast output was simply empty!
4. furthermore, trying to access the third row of $fcast to copy the
value gave the error message "index 1 out of bounds" which is misleading
at best.
thanks and good luck hunting the bug,
13 years, 1 month
by Andreas Noack Jensen
Dear developers
I think there might be a problem with the silent flag to restrict in VECM
open denmark
vecm 2 1 LRM LRY --crt --silent
restrict --silent
b[3] = 0
end restrict
is not so silent. I am on OS X Lion running cvs Gretl from 5 December.
Jack suggested that I tried something like
outfile null --write
... do stuff ...
outfile null --close
when I do not want to listen to Gretl, but I get a syntax error. I have not found any docs on hansl so I am a bit lost.
Andreas Noack Jensen
Økonomisk Institut andreas.noack.jensen(a)
Københavns Universitet
Øster Farimagsgade 5, bygning 26 Tlf.: 353 23094
1353 København K
13 years, 1 month
Install location databases
by Berend Hasselman
On Mac OS X function files/packages and databases will be installed on demand in subdirectories of a "personal" directory "~/Library/Application Support/gretl"
This is regardless of how the gretldir is determined (a fixed folder of following the current directory as determined via the shell). Something similar happens for Windows.
On Linux (as tested by me on Ubuntu 10.04 and Xubuntu 11.04/11.10 all of which running in VirtualBox virtual machines) the situation is quite different.
Function files/packages are stored in a user's work dir. However if one sets the working directory to follow the shell current directory one may end up with multiple installations of the same functions. With functions scattered over several different directories. I find this rather confusing.
Databases appear to be only installed in /usr/local/share/gretl/db. When I tried to install a database from the database server I got an error message "Permission denied". Why not in "work dir/db"?
I would like to suggest to install function files/packages and databases on Linux for users in a fixed directory so that the location is independent of the gretl working directory. Similar to Mac OS X and Windows.
Something like ~/.config/gretl or even ~/library/gretl or whatever else is sensible for Linux.
Berend Hasselman
13 years, 1 month