defbundle parsing
by Sven S
the following line works, but shouldn't it fail due to the trailing comma?:
bundle b = defbundle("a",1 ,)
4 years, 1 month
Re: [Gretl-users] Re: time-series plot weekly/ hourly data frequency
by Sven Schreiber
Am 23.08.20 um 01:43 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> On Sat, 22 Aug 2020, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> Am 18.08.2020 um 16:19 schrieb Artur Tarassow:
>>> I spotted a possible "bug" when trying to plot weekly or hourly data
>>> over time. Take a time-series, set some frequency and check the plot.
>>> Even though the <print invest -o> command shows a correct date index,
>>> the x-axis of the plot does _not_ show any date format for weekly or
>>> hourly data. For other frequencies, things are fine.
>> I agree it would be nice to also display that information in the graphs.
> Well-tested patches would be reviewed with interest. Otherwise, I'm
> afraid this is not a priority for me.
[moving this to devel]
This is perfectly fine, we know you are constantly working hard on many
aspects of gretl.
I have started experimenting with the sample label printing business in
the branch "samplelabel" branch on git. Certainly very far from being
well tested (actually already with a known bug where I haven't pushed
the fix yet, but will in a minute). This is not exactly the same thing
as date label printing in plots, but similar I think.
When looking at the code, I see the function 'ntodate' (in
lib/src/dataio.c) which nowadays is a little misleading I'd say, because
it is also used to construct the label for a panel observation (which
includes the unit, not just a date). So my proposal would be to adjust
that name eventually - of course this means a lot of changes to all the
calls, but with grep and search and replace this shouldn't be a big
problem. Or is there anything I'm missing?
And a question: AFAICS dset->panel_pd is the time-series frequency
within a panel dataset. (So playing the role of dset->pd in a
time-series dataset, but dset->pd is the overall time dimension length
in the panel context, cf. also the hansl accessor $pd -- I've always
found that confusing! So what actually is the hansl way to retrieve the
information about the time series frequency in a panel, after it has
been set with --set-panel-time??) My question: does this panel_pd always
exist in a panel, or only conditionally on the user action of setting it?
4 years, 4 months
exists() vs. inbundle()
by Sven Schreiber
I'm wondering what the value added of 'inbundle' over 'exists' is. In
principle both check for the existence of an object and return a type
code if yes.
I know that currently where inbundle(b, "m") returns 0 because m isn't
there, exists(b.m) instead yields an error. But I guess that could be
changed if wanted.
And vice versa: inbundle(a, "x") yields an error if there is no bundle
a, whereas exists(a.x) just returns 0. But are those differences really
by design or just by historical coincidence?
4 years, 5 months
missing timeout when retrieving package info from server?
by Sven Schreiber
lately I've experienced the following problem within gretl's GUI:
I have the window with the function package list on the server open, and
I right-click on a package's name. Then I select "Info" and normally
gretl then loads the package's basic information from the package server
to display it in a new window.
However, from time to time nothing happens, presumably because the
server is not responding or whatever. The problem then is that the
action can only be canceled indirectly: Clicking the close button of the
window brings up the typical Windows message about the program not
responding (...this is gretl 2020d on Windows). Choosing option "try to
restore the program" or so then solves the obstruction. (One shouldn't
choose "close window" because then the whole gretl instance is gone.)
It seems to me a timeout would be good, such that after 5 or 10 seconds
or so gretl will stop waiting for the server.
4 years, 5 months
gretlcli: cpu number printout
by Sven Schreiber
when I start gretlcli.exe the first thing that's printed, before gretl
introducing itself, is this:
GetLogicalProcessorInformation results:
Number of processor cores: 4
Number of logical processors: 8
Is this intended, it looks quite internal/technical? This is with a
snapshot from one month ago, my apologies if the behavior has changed in
the meantime.
4 years, 5 months
Re: Gretl Mac Issue - Urgent
by Allin Cottrell
On Mon, 24 Aug 2020, Satra Ahmadzadeh wrote:
> I am a Ph.D. Student at Univ. Cumberlands.
> I tried to download the software as required by our course.
> Site source for download is
> Either option that is downloaded, does not open.
> The message given on my Mac is : the software needs to be updated
> for malicious software, contact developer.
There are detailed instructions at on how to get around the
security block on macOS Catalina -- are you following those steps?
(We can assure you the gretl package contains no malware.)
Allin Cottrell
4 years, 5 months
Gretl Mac Issue - Urgent
by Satra Ahmadzadeh
Good Day
I am a Ph.D. Student at Univ. Cumberlands.
I tried to download the software as required by our course.
Site source for download is
Either option that is downloaded, does not open.
The message given on my Mac is : the software needs to be updated for malicious software, contact developer.
Greatly appreciate your assistance on this matter.
Please confirm this email has reached you via reply.
4 years, 5 months
'make clean' failure in git with regls addon
by Sven Schreiber
could it be that in the regls addon area one cannot do "make clean"? I
get an error suggesting that. This is with the current git state on
Linux Mint.
4 years, 5 months
Auto-indentation when saving file
by Artur Tarassow
The formating tool for the programming language "golang" named "gofmt"
has this useful feature of automatically intending source code when
saving the file (for instance via the key stroke Ctrl+S). Currently one
always need to click the button (some may even not be aware of this
feature( for it and hence to 'leave' the keyboard.
I am wondering whether this may be useful for gretl's editor too. In
case somebody does not want this -- even though I don't know why as
indentation improves readability -- one could have an option in the
preferences menu like "Auto-indent when saving file".
4 years, 5 months
Problem with pkg query and temporary paths
by Sven Schreiber
consider this output:
? include johansensmall.gfn --force
C:\Users\ [...] \johansensmall_v3.2\johansensmall.gfn
johansensmall 3.2, 2020-08-14 (Sven Schreiber and Andreas Noack Jensen)
? pkg query johansensmall --quiet
? bundle res = $result
? print res
bundle res:
not_found = 1
It seems to me that 'include' is more clever than 'pkg query'? This
happens after I select a temporary function package directory (the one
correctly echoed above after include) through the GUI.
4 years, 6 months