'scatters' corner case
by Sven Schreiber
consider this example:
open denmark
scatters LRM ; LRY
Only the left half of the plot area is filled. Inside the gnuplot code
there's a multiplot 1,2 layout; I guess the special case of just a
single plot is not accurately covered?
5 years, 2 months
same datatype error, different messages?
by Sven Schreiber
not a bug (perhaps), but a bit strange I think. There was the following
sort of mistake in my script:
x = 1 # scalar
loop ...
catch string x = readfile(...) # string
print errmsg($error)
Gretl correctly complains. However, first the message is something like
"unmatched data type" and then switches to the more precise "x is of
type scalar, not acceptable". Shouldn't the error message stay the same?
What I mean is that it feels like something inside gretl is
path-dependent which shouldn't be.
This is the Nov 19th snapshot.
5 years, 2 months
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
(with the usual apologies for cross-posting)
as you may have noticed, our mailing list have recently become a vehicle
for spammers.
I just made a change to our subscription policy to try to curb this: from
now on, all subscriptions will have to be approved by hand by the list
admin (that is, myself). It's a little annoying but it's a sad necessity.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
5 years, 2 months
wedding makeup
by Glossandglassblr@Gmail.Com
The GlossnGlass are the best bridal makeup artist in bangalore go beyond just creating immaculate makeup looks. We also train and produce the finest makeup artists through our professional makeup artist courses.With a team of expert trainers from the makeup industry, our makeup academy offers various intensive professional and personal grooming courses.
5 years, 2 months
Opening gretl script file in Windows via file manager fails
by Sven Schreiber
it seems to me that opening/sending a .inp file to gretl on Windows
fails if no script editor window is already open. This is with an
October snapshot. Scenario:
0. Gretl (GUI) is running.
1. Double-click on an .inp file.
2. A small window opens asking "start new gretl instance?". I click "no".
3. The dialog window closes, then nothing happens.
(Dragging the file onto the main window works alright.)
5 years, 2 months
crash while a script was running
by Sven Schreiber
I just saw gretl (September snapshot) crash on Windows 10, but I'll
admit right away that I couldn't reproduce it.
A script was running (in the GUI), then in parallel I clicked on the
"window list" button in gretl's main window (top right, just below the
window-close button in the corner) and gretl crashed.
Even though it's not reproducible for me right now I thought I'd let you
5 years, 3 months
more on building gretl on Windows
by Allin Cottrell
A bit more in response to
and following. Also in response to useful information from Juan
Estévez offlist.
* The new gretl-specific package containing a suitable build of
gnuplot for Windows was, as Juan pointed out, installing into the
wrong location -- an extra "bin" directory under the one that should
be used. That's now fixed. A pacman update under MSYS2:
pacman -Syu
should put that to rights.
* The recently updated "deps" package contained a build of libgsf,
but as Sven pointed out that wasn't working. I now see what the
problem was: the libgsf DLL I included was cross-compiled on Linux
and had somewhat different dependencies from those available on
current MSYS2. So I've now removed libgsf from my deps package. If
you installed the broken version you should update with "pacman
-Syu" as above.
If you want to have gretl use libgsf for zipping and unzipping
(recommended) then you can install libgsf as packaged for mingw64:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libgsf
* Build "errors" with messages of the form "Could not determine
path..." are benign and can be ignored.
* Build errors showing "error while loading shared libraries: ?":
The "?" indicates that while something went wrong MSYS2 can't tell
us what it was, which can be kinda frustrating. In my experience
building on Windows (also Sven's) this is sometimes just temporary
flakiness: run "make" again and it may work. But, Juan, if you were
using my deps package including libgsf it's not just flakiness, it's
a real problem with my libgsf DLL, as mentioned above.
GTK3-specific: I've done a GTK3 build of gretl myself now. I'm
working on trying to figure the minimal set of icons needed for a
redistributable package. It's certainly nothing like the 45 MB under
mingw64/share/icons (more like a few hundred KB, I think), but I'm
not ready with a recipe yet.
5 years, 3 months
Displayed time index in case of restricted panel
by Artur Tarassow
Hi all,
I just saw that when the time-dimension of a panel data set is
restricted, the 'sample' display at the bottom of the main menu does not
show the right time indices.
See the screenshot attached where I restricted time to the range
2<=time<=10 but the shown indices are still <Panel: sample 1:1 - 10:9>.
Of course, the actual data set in the background is correctly restricted.
5 years, 3 months
Small Windows build hiccup
by Sven Schreiber
after quite a while I'm trying to build gretl on Windows again,
following the excellent guide gretl-winbuild.pdf.
The first little problem I came across was inside section 3.5 of the
guide. The command "pacman -S ${DEPS} --needed" (also inside setup.sh)
doesn't work as such, I needed to do (note the y):
pacman -Sy ${DEPS} --needed
If there are more problems, I will post them in this thread (or collect
them first).
5 years, 3 months