next release
by Allin Cottrell
Just to let people know: I'll be out of gretl range for a few days
(going to give a seminar in New York). I'll be back in the middle
of the week, and I anticipate making a release a day or two
18 years
Missing msgid for "VAR Lag selection" output.
by Hélio Guilherme
Hash: SHA1
Dear Allin and All,
I believe that this text does not have an entry in gretl.pot.
(Portuguese translation):
Sistema VAR, máximo grau de defasagem 8
The asterisks below indicate the best (that is, minimized) values
of the respective information criteria, AIC = Akaike criterion,
BIC = Schwartz Bayesian criterion and HQC = Hannan-Quinn criterion.
defasagens verosimilhança-logarítmica p(LR) AIC
1 -1805,13787 18,521815 18,689066 18,589526
2 -1788,60630 0,00000 18,393942 18,628093* 18,488737
3 -1783,53103 0,03797 18,382970 18,684021 18,504850
4 -1772,71983 0,00024 18,313468* 18,681419 18,462432*
5 -1771,00000 0,48711 18,336735 18,771587 18,512784
6 -1769,65420 0,61068 18,363818 18,865571 18,566952
7 -1769,07089 0,88356 18,398683 18,967335 18,628900
8 -1766,59908 0,29313 18,414276 19,049829 18,671579
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
18 years
Re: [Gretl-devel] Ignacio's tramo script
by Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
I think something is wrong with the last changes.
On wednesday 19 I could run the attached scripts (with gretl for Windows)
without any problem, but on monday I installed the new Windows gretl snapshot
and today I obtained the same error as Sven mentioned: I get the beginning of
the .po file in the script output, and the error: "The systen cannot find the
specified file". I downloaded the current Windows snapshot, and now I do not
obtain the .po file in the script output, but the same error is displayed on
the screen, and the script aborted.
(Unluckily I did not save the gretl_install.exe file of the week before)
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)
18 years
Re: [Gretl-devel] Re: "make install" error
by Allin Cottrell
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
> 1-if I run gretl from a console I have two error messages:
> helpfile error: word='import' not recognized
> helpfile error: word='critical' not recognized
This is because the Spanish helpfile source,
gretl_commands_es.xml, contains references to two commands that no
longer exist, namely "critical" and "import". I've now removed
these references in CVS so the error should not appear in the next
> 2-As Kubuntu in Spanish uses utf8 codification, I have problems
> with the Latex output of gretl
OK, I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do about that.
> 3- The option "gretl --english" is not working. May be I have to
> activate something to use english?
Not sure what the issue is there. I just tried on my ubuntu
system (in an xterm):
LANGUAGE=spanish gretl
(and gretl came up in Spanish)
LANGUAGE=spanish gretl --english
(and gretl came up in English)
18 years
Re: [Gretl-devel] Re: "make install" error
by Hélio Guilherme
Hash: SHA1
Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
> El Viernes, 9 de Febrero de 2007 01:54, escribió:
>> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
>>> although finally I got that the "make" command runs smoothly without
>>> errors, I am obtaining the following error in running "sudo make
>>> install":
>>> cp -fp ../share/gretlgui.hlp /opt/gretl/share/gretl/gretlgui.hlp
>>> cp: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre `../share/gretlgui.hlp': No existe
>>> el fichero ó directorio (The file or directory does not exist)
>> Ah, it seems you have identified a problem with a CVS build, when
>> the option
>> --enable-build-doc
>> has not been passed to configure. If you have TeX and friends
> Really I passed this option to configure, but the option was not being
> processed. I discovered the problem was that "XSLT" was missing, so I
> installed libxslt1-dev and xsltproc and the problem was solved.
> I installed gretl to /opt/gretl directory as you recommended, so after
> installing, gretl gave several errors about /usr/share/gretl ... directories.
> Changing in tools/preferences the gretl directory to /opt/gretl/share/gretl/
> and the database directory to /opt/gretl/share/gretl/db
> I think now I have a fully functional installation.
> However, some small errors remain:
> 1-if I run gretl from a console I have two error messages:
> helpfile error: word='import' not recognized
> helpfile error: word='critical' not recognized
> 2-As Kubuntu in Spanish uses utf8 codification, I have problems with the Latex
> output of gretl
> 3- The option "gretl --english" is not working. May be I have to activate
> something to use english?
How about "gretl -e", it works for me :)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
18 years
Note: change of list address
by Allin Cottrell
Hello all,
My university wants me to switch the gretl lists (gretl-users and
gretl-devel) over to our main list server. Hopefully this
transition will be fairly quick and painless; I'll be making a
start on it right after sending this.
You might want to hold off posting until I send out a confirmation
mail from the new address (that way we should keep a complete
Ths new addresses will be:
That is, just replace "ricardo" with "lists".
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
18 years, 1 month
Re: gretl/doc/tex gretl-guide.tex,1.28,1.29
by Cristian Rigamonti
On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 10:16:50PM +0000, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> Index: gretl-guide.tex
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/gretl/gretl/doc/tex/gretl-guide.tex,v
> retrieving revision 1.28
> retrieving revision 1.29
> diff -u -d -r1.28 -r1.29
> --- gretl-guide.tex 27 Dec 2006 15:05:58 -0000 1.28
> +++ gretl-guide.tex 5 Jan 2007 22:16:48 -0000 1.29
> @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
> Università Politecnica delle Marche\\
> \vspace{20pt}
> -July, 2006}
> +January, 2007}
I was wondering if it could be useful to add the gretl version the manual refers
to, besides the date of update.
What do you think?
GPG/PGP Key-Id 0x943A5F0E -
Free software, free society -
18 years, 1 month
matrix gui
by Allin Cottrell
It turns out the (relatively) hard work was just adapting the data
editor spreadsheet for matrix use (still not as good as it could
be, but workable) and hooking up a matrix back-end. That done, a
lot of other things come more or less for free. So here's what we
have now:
* A "properties" window for matrices. Not very interesting for
non-square matrices at this point, but for square ones you get a
reading on symmetry, positive definiteness, determinant,
eigenvalues and so on.
* The gui matrix editor now has a menu of transformations such as
X'X, transpose, Cholesky decomposition and such. Also a "save as"
button to let you save a transformation under another name.
Might be of some use for pedagogical purposes.
18 years, 1 month
Next version of gretl?
by Andreas Karlsson
When will the next stable version of gretl (1.6.1 or 1.7.0, I guess) be
18 years, 1 month