Still several outdated screenshots in User's Guide
There are still several outdated screenshots in the Gretl User's Guide:
Figure 3.3 and 10.1: Close button still seen
Figure 7.1: Labels tab bar missing
Figure 16.1: Check buttons for "Show details of iterations" and "Robust
standard errors" missing
Figure 23.1: Menu entry "Tabular options..." missing
Best regards
cottrell(a) @ INTERNET skrev 2008-02-29 14:54:11 :
> This is mostly just a quick fix for correct cooperation with lapack
> on 64-bit systems.
> 2/29/2008 version 1.7.3
> - Fix for 64-bit platforms: don't use "long" as the C
> counterpart of Fortran 77 "INTEGER"
> - Make the rcond function available for asymmetric matrices
> - Enable the $yhat accessor for fitted values in equation
> systems
> - Add Italian function help to Windows build
> - Weekly to monthly data compaction: respect the user's
> choice of compaction method, as claimed
> - Add trimr matrix function (as in Gauss)
> - Extend matrix "division" a la Gauss
> - Disallow user functions with the same name as a built-in
> function
> - Update several screenshots in User's Guide
> -- Allin Cottrell
> Department of Economics
> Wake Forest University, NC
16 years, 11 months
Outdated figures in Gretl User's Guide
Outdated figures in Gretl User's Guide:
1. Figure 2.2 (p. 6), Gretl toolbar (p. 11), and maybe others: The current
version 1.7.2 has an icon with link to function packages, not the gretl
website which the manual shows.
2. Figure 2.4 and maybe others: The "close" button at the bottom of the
screen is not seen in version 1.7.2.
3. Figure 2.3 and maybe others: The OK, Clear, Cancel, Help buttons in
1.7.2 does not have the icons that the buttons in the manual have.
Best regards
16 years, 11 months
Wrong dating of gretl manuals
The Gretl Command Reference and Gretl User's Guide in PDF that is included
in gretl 1.7.2 are dated November 2007. Shouldn't this be updated to
February 2007?
Best regards
16 years, 11 months
The "dataset resample n" command not documented yet
The gretl changelog for version 1.7.1 says:
- Add "dataset resample n" command to resample observations
with replacement (not documented yet)
In gretl 1.7.2 this is still not documented. Please document it.
Best regards
16 years, 11 months
minor it.po problem
by Sven Schreiber
Compilation from cvs just failed for me due to the following line in it.po:
msgstr "Dataset cancellato\c"
changing \c to \n (in my local copy only) fixed it of course.
If I should change this in cvs as well, please let me know, otherwise I
won't touch other people's po files.
16 years, 11 months
translation updates before release
by Sven Schreiber
I have just noticed that a couple more strings have recently been added
that need to be translated. Will there be more to come before the next
16 years, 12 months
A few small feature requests
A few small feature requests:
1. Add access to the ranking() command from the GUI. For example, a new
menu entry: Add > Rankings of selected variables
2. For Spearman's rank correlation procedure one can choose to not print
the ranked data by omitting the --verbose command using the CLI. From the
GUI one cannot choose to not print the ranked data. Add a check box to the
Spearman rank correlation GUI for choosing to print or not print the ranked
3. For the command difftest(), the --verbose option results in the printing
of the rankings for the Wilcoxon tests. Please add an option (that is also
accessible from the GUI) for also saving these rankings as new variables in
the data set.
Best regards
16 years, 12 months
members of lists returned from functions
by Sven Schreiber
Sorry for the flood of messages from me, I'm doing some "heavy
scripting" ATM and so I stumble over a lot of stuff...
The example script below prints two identical series under the name of
"s1", which is "obviously" wrong, although I'm not sure which would be
the correct behavior -- I can think of two correct variants:
1) "s1" and "s2" are in the namespace of test() and thus should not be
accessible at all, so the script should raise an error. (Although then
it's not quite clear how to access the members of the returned list.)
2) "s1" should be properly updated when it is changed inside the
function and then returned as a member of the list "myl".
This is on today's version from CVS.
function test(void)
series s1 = randgen(u,0,1)
series s2 = randgen(u,2,3)
list myl = s1 s2
return list myl
end function
loop 2
list check = test()
print s1
end loop
17 years
RFC: time-series filter (long, I'm afraid)
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Hi everyone,
I wanted to surprise you all with a clever trick, but at the moments I'm
not quite sure I'm heading in the right direction, so I'm asking for your
I'd like to implement some mechanism for "arma-like" filtering of a time
series, that is, given a time series x_t, compute y_t that satisfies
y_t = C(L)/A(L) x_t
This can be useful in many time-series related contexts: computation of
fancy moving averages, computation of Wold representations, simulation of
arma processes, and the list may continue.
I have an initial implementation of this, that you can test by applying
the attached diff file to current CVS[*]: attached you'll also find an
example script.
As you can see from the attached sample script, at present the above is
implemented via a function called "filter", which takes 3 arguments: the
series x and 2 matrices, containing the coefficients of A(L) and C(L).
These A and C matrices must have 2 columns, or be empty: the rows of A and
C must contain the coefficients for the powers other than 0 (assumed 1),
with the exponents on column one and the corresponding coefficient on
column two. For example, the matrix corresponding to the polynomial C(L) =
1 - 0.75 L^2 should be given as { 2, -0.75 }; negative exponents (leads)
are allowed. If you want the "constant" coefficient to be other than 1,
insert a row with 0 as the first element and the desired "correction" as
second element (see the moving average example in the attached script).
As you can see, this is a bit cumbersome, so my first question is: how
can the syntax be improved?
Another problem is the choice of starting values: in practice, the
computation is carried out by re-casting the above equation as
A(L) y_t = C(L) x_t
At present, the solution I found is quite involved (look at the source to
see what really happens), but basically pre-sample values of x and y are
treated as zero.
This is, in some contexts, rather unsatisfactory. However, I see no easy
way out. Ideally, one should be able to indicate what pre-sample values
for x and y should be. I'm a bit wary of adding 2 extra parameter to a
function, so we mat want to turn this functionality into a command,
something like
filter x A C ; y0 x0
and receive output via some dollar accessor. But OTOH it's nice from a
programming viewpoint to use all the genr infrastructure.
Another issue is computational: there may be some advantage in using
Fourier transforms for this. However, I'm no expert here and if any of you
can give me any hint of the pros and cons, I'd be most grateful.
Your opinions? (Sorry for the long message)
[*] For those not familiar with how to apply patches, just go to the base
directory of your gretl source tree, do a cvs update and then type the
patch -p0 < ~/filter.diff
assuming you put the diff file in your home dir. Then run make/make
install as usual.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
17 years
language in output
by Sven Schreiber
Good morning,
recently I have started to use gretl's plots for research papers, but
there is a little problem: my system (locale) is German, but the papers
I write are in English. But some of gretl's graphs automatically include
some translated terms, for example "left" and "right" in the legend of a
plot with two y-axes. (There are other examples as well.) I have found
ways to work around that, so of course it's not terribly urgent, but in
the medium term it would be nice if it were somehow user-configurable.
17 years