translation questions
by Sven Schreiber
Ok, I have just updated de.po (after colliding with the general update
in the same couple of minutes, but it seems to have worked well anyway).
There are still some questions (with line numbers):
2436 'period': is this a time period or '.'? (In German it's different
8721 'period: here it's pretty clear (.) (so not really a question)
8705 'space' is that a blank character or some other space (like room,
outer space, or whatever)
Then I found that in the CSV import/export dialog(s?) the term 'Space'
(upper-case S) isn't translatable, or did I simply miss it somehow?
16 years, 1 month
Re: [Gretl-users] pre-release testing for gretl 1.8.0
by Sven Schreiber
[taking this over to the devel-list]
Dear devels,
given that at least two new loop bugs have been reported in very recent
cvs versions (January 2009, one by me and the second one in this
thread), it seems to me that the recent under-the-hood-changes in that
area have the potential to produce other related bugs in the near future.
So maybe the loop stuff should be systematically tested before a new
release is made.
just a thought,
Am 14.01.2009 07:59, Yuniarto Hadiwibowo schrieb:
> After I've checked all the setting, it seems that the local language is the problem. The local setting in my PC is Japan, but my laptop is English. By default, Gretl uses Japanese local language setting for my PC. The result is in English, no translation yet. So, in my confusion I thought that it is English. I don't know if changing the default to English is better. Thank you, I am sorry for this.
> Another matter is the index variable in loop. The following script works in 1.7.9 and previous cvs, but not in current cvs. The data contains variable named i (although it is not used in this script). If I change the index variable from i to k, it works. It seems that the scope of index variable is changed in the current cvs. I don't know which one is better.
> <script>
> open adf_test
> loop foreach j nc c ct ctt gls --quiet
> loop foreach i employ prdefl gnp unemp armfrc pop --quiet
> adf 4 $i --$j --test-down
> lt_$i$j=$test
> lp_$i$j=$pvalue
> adf 4 $i --$j --difference --test-down
> dt_$i$j=$test
> dp_$i$j=$pvalue
> end loop
> end loop
> </script>
> Yuniarto Hadiwibowo
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>
> To: Gretl list <gretl-users(a)>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 12:54:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] pre-release testing for gretl 1.8.0
> I've installed/uninstalled gretl many times on Windows PCs and
> haven't seen this sort of thing. Are you sure you have the right
> permissions to perform the uninstall correctly?
> Allin Cottrell
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Gretl-users mailing list
> Gretl-users(a)
16 years, 1 month
Crash with retrieving coeff()
by Ivan Sopov
I've just downloaded the snapshot for windows and the third line of the
following script crashes gretl.
open "hamilton.gdt"
model1 <- ols EXRITL PZUNEW PC6IT const
genr temp1 = model1.$coeff(const)
"command genr temp1 = model1.$coeff" works good
Many thanks, Ivan.
16 years, 1 month
gretl, R, and time series
by Sven Schreiber
I am learning how to use the new R-integration features for actual
productive work. Up front I must say this is a great feature! Some weeks
ago I have already played with producing graphics using R from gretl,
and now I am leveraging the spectral density functions in R (like
spec.pgram; BTW, in the longer term it would be nice to have some
spectral analysis functions in a time-series package like gretl, but
that's a different issue and it's precisely the nice R integration which
makes it less urgent).
Now, in the "Gretl and R" chapter in the user guide it says that for
time-series datasets you must do something like
lg <- gretldata[,"lg"]
to actually get named series in the R environment. This looks like a
very easy and useful thing to automate, so I'm wondering, why doesn't
gretl do something like that automatically? To put it differently, if
for example the gretl time-series dataset has variables named "var1"
through "var5", the automatically executed commands should be:
gretldata <- read.table("/home/jack/.gretl/Rdata.tmp", header=TRUE)
gretldata <- ts(gretldata, start=c(1949, 1), frequency = 12)
# up to here is what gretl does already
# now the proposed stuff:
var1 <- gretldata[,"var1"]
var2 <- gretldata[,"var2"]
var3 <- gretldata[,"var3"]
var4 <- gretldata[,"var4"]
var5 <- gretldata[,"var5"]
Looks straightforward to me, but maybe I'm missing something?
16 years, 1 month
by Lic. Mauricio Giacometti
Sorry, in the last mail I forgot to post the link to the paper that shows how the software was implemented.
The name of the paper is: "Modelos SARFIMA diarios no estacionarios: aplicación al consumo de energía eléctrica"... Something like "Non stationary daily SARFIMA models. Application on the uruguayan electricity consumption"
This paper was presented at the Economic lectures in the Uruguayan Central Bank last August.
You can download the paper (in spanish) from:
16 years, 1 month
package in java
by Lic. Mauricio Giacometti
Hello, I was registered in the gretl users list but now I want to contribute with some code I have been working in.
The problem is that the code is in java and is rather long (10 classes) but the package would be unique since I do not know any other softare that estimates SARFIMA models in only one step using pseudo M. Likelihood estimation (other packages uses the 2 step approximation-first estimating d using a consistent semi-parametric estimation and then the phi's and theta's).
I am not the developer of the code, a friend of mine (engineer) made it following my directions so i do not know how to re-write it in C.
So... is it possible for you to re-write the entire package in C?
I think it is a great opportunity to expand gretl capabilities and therefore the ammount of potential users.
Thank you very much in advance
16 years, 1 month
new bug in latest cvs
by Sven Schreiber
in today's cvs the following script doesn't work (anymore; the foreach
loop worked in the cvs from a few days ago):
open denmark
list my = LRM LRY
loop foreach i my
I get an error roughly saying that the data types are not ok.
16 years, 1 month
translation questions
by Sven Schreiber
I'm catching up on the German translation and have some doubts.
1) what's the context/meaning of these terms:
Left-unbounded observations
Bounded observations
Point observations
2) Is 'interval regression' a new method/feature? (I'm not familiar with
3) what about the names for gnuplot line styles? wasn't there a
discussion to keep them in English?
4) apart from a lot of 'lower/upper bound' stuff there was also
something about 'lower/upper limit'. are these unrelated?
16 years, 1 month