gretl for iphone
by Talha Yalta
I am asking just out of curiosity. How possible or feasible is it to
make gretl run under an iphone or even an ipod or something like that
(not specifically an apple product)? Imagine the possibility of
carrying gretl in your pocket :-)
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
15 years, 10 months
by Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
Sorry, Allin,
Could you explain us the context of this expression to translate?
"Critical values for desired LIML maximal size, when running\n
tests at a nominal 5% significance level:\n"
Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754
15 years, 11 months
GSoC Results
by Talha Yalta
Hi all:
I received an email from Google stating that our application to GSoC
2009 was rejected :-(
I can probably attempt again with a better application next year.
I'd like to thank everyone showing an interest, volunteering and
suggesting various project ideas.
Best regards
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
15 years, 11 months
New try of the script
I have now tried the updated script. I had to add the
following at lines 10 and 11:
After adding these lines, the script works correct and updates the files in
c:/program/gretl so I can run my own compiled version of gretl.
15 years, 11 months
Script/Session Bug (Windows & OS/X)
by Henrique
Dear developers,
I think we have a bug in the gretl (build date 15-03-2009). I'm
trying to run simple OLS regressions using a gretl script file (.inp)
and save the results in a gretl session (.gretl), but it is
impossible. I get error messages both on my OS/X computer and Windows
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
15 years, 11 months
Errors when using make to build gretl on windows
My progress on building gretl on windows so far:
After downloading and installing MinGW and MSYS I downloaded and installed
the all-in-on bundle of GTK+ for win32 on
I then installed all files from following the instructions
When typing "make" in c:\gretl\win32 all goes well until I get the
following error message:
../plugin/audio.c:44:19: sapi.h No such file or directory
I cannot find sapi.h in c:\ming\include and it was not included in the file on, but
I found that it was included in an older file that
previously was available on that site.
I copied the sapi.h file and added it to c:\ming\include. Typing "make"
started the process again, until I get the error message below. How do I
solve this?
gcc -Wall -O2 -mms-bitfields -DWIN32 -mwindows -o gretlw32.exe about.o
calculator.o callbacks.o cmdstack.o console.o database.o datafiles.o
datawiz.o dialogs.o dlgutils.o filelists.o fileselect.o filters.o fncall.o
fnsave.o gpt_control.o gpt_dialog.o graph_page.o gretl.o gretlwin32.o
guiprint.o gui_recode.o gui_utils.o helpfiles.o lagpref.o library.o
menustate.o model_table.o objectsave.o obsbutton.o selector.o series_view.o
session.o settings.o ssheet.o textbuf.o textutil.o toolbar.o treeutils.o
update.o winstack.o gretlres.coff -lm -L./import-libs -lgretl -lintl
-ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lole32 -Lc:/mingw/lib -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0
-latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32
-lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lcairo -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0
-lintl -lgtksourceview -lxml2 -L./import-libs -lzlib1 -lmingwex -s
gretlres.coff: illegal symbol index 8224 in relocs
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [gretlw32.exe] Error 1
15 years, 11 months
GSoC (Important)
by Talha Yalta
Hi all:
Google Summer of Code applications have begun and, as promised, I am
carrying out all the application and administration related work.
There are a few issues on which it would be great if I get some
feedback from the fellow developers, particularly Allin and Jack:
1)- As you know, our project ideas page is located at
Google encourages assigning a substitute mentor for different
projects. Is there anyone who would like to help by becoming a
secondary or a substitue mentor in some of the ideas?
If noone volunteers, Jack has told me that he could act as the
substitute for (4) and (5). And I can do (2). Allin, would it be OK
for you to be the substitute mentor for (3)? I hope someone in the
list would volunteer for (1) because that is not something I feel I
could do.
2)- Allin and Jack (and others who intend to participate): Could you
please create a user profile from or by
following the directions on the GSoC page. Google requires this. Could
you also send me your usernames once registered?
3)- Attached is an odt file containg the application that I prepared
today. I am planning to submit this shortly via Google's web
interface. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
4)- There are 2 fields in the application that I could not fill out.
The first is regarding wheather we have a public email. Allin, could
you set up a generic email such as gretl-info@... and put it at the
bottom of the gretl web page? Secondly, Google asks who will be the
backup program administrator. Jack would you like to act as the backup
5)- In a recent email, Stefano Iacus from the R core team told Jack
and me that he supports the development of a file filter library but
currently it can be difficult for R to adopt such library due to some
issues in R's development approach itself. This project would still be
useful to Gretl as well as other projects such as PSPP, Gnumeric etc
and I think it would be good to have. As a result, I just modified the
proposal description so that it does not look like a joint effort with
6)- Stefano also commented on our #2 regarding function packages
management. Here is what he said:
"Although not asked, let me express my comment on point #2.
It contains the proposal about creating a Grelt's packages repository
and a set of functions to install, update and maintain packages. I
strongly suggest such a project. I think this is doable in a
reasonable time like the GSOC timeframe.
On this topic, we are now deciding to increase the metadata of CRAN
and make those informations harvestable from external (other than R)
sources. The main goal is to have a proper citation mechanism of
software products (packages in our case) which are more and more
research outcomes rather than just software. It won't be ready before
summer, but we are currently setting the bases and I'll be happy to
share some knowledge. This is likely to become an hot topic in the
near future because many actors are pushing this, so it would be good
for Gretl as well to be ready."
I think this is a very important suggestion, especially in the light
of an increased interest in replicability in research in economics. I
have already modified the idea description to include this as well. I
think GSoC program would be very useful if it helped getting this
project alone. What do you guys think?
7)- Finally, if anyone has any new project ideas or comments or
additions on the existing ones, please bring them up. I look forward
to hearing from you.
Best regards
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
15 years, 11 months
gtkfontselhack.c problem solved
FYI: The changes Allin made in the gtkfontselhack.c file in CVS solved my
problems with that file.
Actually, when looking deeper into the problem, I found that if not using
the -ansi option I got compilation errors much earlier (in the float.h
file, which switching on the -ansi option solved), meaning that the -ansi
option was in fact not the culprit.
15 years, 11 months
Build gretl for windows
by geno
Hi, i'm trying to build gretl for Windows. I'm using Linux (ubuntu
8.10) and mingw compiler.
When i type make in win32 directory i get error messages:
Updating build.h
mkdir -p dlls
mkdir -p plugins
i586-mingw32msvc-dllwrap --as=i586-mingw32msvc-as --export-all
--driver-name i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -Wall -O2 -mms-bitfields -DWIN32 -s
--output-def libgretl.def --implib ./import-libs/libgretl.a \
-o dlls/libgretl.dll adf_kpss.o anova.o bhhh_max.o bootstrap.o
calendar.o compare.o compat.o csvdata.o dataio.o dataset.o dbread.o
dbwrite.o describe.o discrete.o estimate.o forecast.o geneval.o
genfuncs.o genlex.o genmain.o gensyntax.o gmm.o graphing.o
gretl_commands.o gretl_errors.o gretl_fft.o gretl_foreign.o
gretl_func.o gretl_intl.o gretl_list.o gretl_matrix.o gretl_model.o
gretl_panel.o gretl_paths.o gretl_prn.o gretl_restrict.o
gretl_string_table.o gretl_utils.o gretl_win32.o gretl_www.o
gretl_xml.o interact.o kalman.o libset.o matrix_extra.o missing.o
modelprint.o modelspec.o monte_carlo.o nls.o nonparam.o objstack.o
options.o plotspec.o plugins.o printout.o printscan.o pvalues.o
qr_estimate.o random.o strutils.o subsample.o system.o texprint.o
transforms.o tsls.o usermat.o var.o varprint.o vartest.o irfboot.o
chkder.o dpmpar.o enorm.o fdjac2.o lmder1.o lmder.o lmdif.o lmpar.o
qrfac.o qrsolv.o lbfgsb.o dllinit.o -lg2c -lm -L./import-libs -lxml2
-lz -lintl -lprob -lgmp \
-lmingwex -lwsock32
-Lc:/devel/target/610d23b3fdae3f3d08ee4932c288bfbc/lib -lglib-2.0
-lintl -llapack -lblas -L/lib/ -lf77blas -latlas -lg2c -lfftw3.dll
i586-mingw32msvc-dllwrap: no export definition file provided.
Creating one, but that may not be what you want
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x4ad6): undefined reference to `_dtrtri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x4dde): undefined reference to `_dpotri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x5660): undefined reference to `_dgelss_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x56ec): undefined reference to `_dgelss_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x5cf5): undefined reference to `_dgesvd_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x5d81): undefined reference to `_dgesvd_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6413): undefined reference to `_dgeev_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6496): undefined reference to `_dgeev_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x66bd): undefined reference to `_dpptrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x671f): undefined reference to `_dpptri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x67ca): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x682c): undefined reference to `_dpotri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x68b7): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6a03): undefined reference to `_dsytrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6a79): undefined reference to `_dsytrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6b46): undefined reference to `_dsycon_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6b9f): undefined reference to `_dsytri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6c96): undefined reference to `_dgetrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x6fc5): undefined reference to `_dgetrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x7018): undefined reference to `_dgetri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x7076): undefined reference to `_dgetri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x7180): undefined reference to `_dtrcon_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x7349): undefined reference to `_dgeqrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x73b2): undefined reference to `_dgeqrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x74e0): undefined reference to `_dorgqr_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x75e0): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x7619): undefined reference to `_dpocon_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x8536): undefined reference to `_dsyrk_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x8bcf): undefined reference to `_dgemm_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x9863): undefined reference to `_dtrtri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x9a31): undefined reference to `_dgelss_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0x9aba): undefined reference to `_dgelss_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xa669): undefined reference to `_dpotrs_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xa706): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xa774): undefined reference to `_dpotrs_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xa910): undefined reference to `_dpotri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xa9ea): undefined reference to `_dgetrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xaa62): undefined reference to `_dgetrs_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xab01): undefined reference to `_dgels_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xab66): undefined reference to `_dgels_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xb6d5): undefined reference to `_dsyev_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xb7b6): undefined reference to `_dsyev_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xbd8d): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xbe42): undefined reference to `_dpotri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xbf5c): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xbfc8): undefined reference to `_dpotri_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xc199): undefined reference to `_dpotrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xc36e): undefined reference to `_dgetrf_'
gretl_matrix.o:gretl_matrix.c:(.text+0xc421): undefined reference to `_dgecon_'
gretl_panel.o:gretl_panel.c:(.text+0x73f4): undefined reference to `_dspsv_'
qr_estimate.o:qr_estimate.c:(.text+0x1c3): undefined reference to `_dtrtri_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
i586-mingw32msvc-dllwrap: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc exited with status 1
make: *** [dlls/libgretl.dll] Błąd 1
When I compile gretl for Linux everything is ok. Can you help me? I
don't know what to do with this errors.
15 years, 11 months
Several things
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Hi all,
I had lots to do recently, so I had very little time for action on the
list. The reason is, I was the local organiser for a conference we just
held here in Ancona (, which was a lot
of work, so allow me to group in this one message a few not-so-closely
related items:
acf function: all in all, I like it. I have a few reservations as of now,
but I'll keep them to myself until I find some time to study the code
(next few days)
VAR/VECM stuff: ditto.
Gretl wiki: it's great that Andreas has started putting material on it. I
hope more will follow. My apologies for it not working properly for some
time, but it ought to be ok by now.
Google summer of code: one of the people I met in person for the first
time at the conference was Stefano Iacus, from the R core team, who is one
of the maintainers of the foreign package. In the past, we grabbed code
from one another: they got the Eviews filter from Allin's implementation,
we got the Stata filter, IIRC we both got SPSS from PSPP. We agreed that
it'd be great to have a separate project for filters as a C library that
gretl and R could both link to centralise efforts; however, it'd be quite
a lot of work. A nice idea that Stefano had was to propose this as a GSOC
project, with joint R/gretl sponsorship; however, I understand that
there's little time left to set up this kind of initiative, so if you guys
think it's a good idea, it's time to start planning it.
Mac users: since the Mac subpopulation is not very active on our mailing
lists, I got hold of all mac users I could find at the conference to
ask them (1) if they use gretl and (2) if they found and bugs or
inconveniences. Much to my delight, I got yes to (1) and no to (2) in all
cases. Again, kudos to Allin!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
15 years, 11 months