arch as summer of code project?
by Sven Schreiber
it's a little late, but it seems that there is one day left to propose
projects for the Google summer of code. I think Talha started an
initiative last year, maybe we should try again this year?
After Jack said that he wanted to have more (G)ARCH variants this year
for a relatively big release it occurred to me that maybe that's what
gretl could propose as a project.
I tend to think that the marketing would be relatively easy given that
ARCH won a Nobel prize and that those tools are not only of interest to
scientists or crazy macroeconomists, but to an entire industry (although
I would like to see the financial industry shrink and deflate, but
that's another story).
As I said, it appears to be quite late. Talha, do you think it's crazy
to try to meet the deadline? Personally I would be relatively free
tomorrow and could do some writing, but I don't have any idea about the
amount of work involved at this stage.
15 years
Portuguese Windows Page
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
I'd updated the Portuguese Windows homepage. Hélio, could you please take a
look at the translations?
15 years
Gretl Plot Controls
by Henrique Andrade
Dear developers,
I would like to suggest some improvements to the "gretl plot controls":
(1) On the "X-axis" tab I think it would be better if we could insert
dates (e.g. 2010:3) instead of numbers in the minimum and
maximum fields when the option "manual range" is selected.
(2) On the "Main" tab I think it would be nice if we could define
different font size for the Title of plot.
(3) Include the option "Reference grid" in the GUI (Gnuplot
commands: set grid, set grid front, set grid back).
(4) Include the option "Insert shaded area" in the GUI.
I really don't know how difficult is this (in terms of code), but I think
it would be very nice ;)
15 years
Good news
by Henrique Andrade
During the last week I was teaching a Gretl's introduction course to my
colleagues at the bank where I work. The great news is that they simply
loved the software. Praises as "very simple", "full featured" and "good work
were repeated several times.
I'm really happy for help spreading the use of Gretl!
Thank you developers for this great job!
Best regards,
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
P.S.: I'm adapting the material used during the course and hope to make it
available as soon as possible (in Portuguese).
15 years
VARs with one variable, small bug
by Sven Schreiber
I wanted to estimate a trivial VAR with only one variable via the GUI,
and gretl said something like "too few arguments". But when I included
exogenous variables, it worked ok. I think it would be nice if it worked
also w/o the exo variables (in order to get the polynomial's roots for
15 years
error importing csv data
by Patricio Cuarón
Hello. When trying to import csv data generated with Excel containing
accented characters (áéíóú) I get the following error:
parsing C:\Documents and Settings\Patricio\Mis documentos\archivo no
> guardado 4gretl20100305171415.csv...
Binary data (237) encountered: this is not a valid text file
I think (but I'm not sure) that this is a bug.
15 years
Octave support
by Allin Cottrell
This is now working OK on Linux and Windows (and probably OS X),
but is not yet documented. You can stick Octave script into a
gretl "foreign" block with "language=octave", and can exchange
matrices (as with Ox) via the pre-defined Octave functions
gretl_export(matrix, name2)
The first of these matches up with mwrite(matrix, name1) in gretl,
and the second pairs with matrix = mread(name2) in gretl.
Now we need a nice example of the use of Octave to illustrate the
yet-to-be-written entry for the User's Guide. Any suggestions?
I tried looking in octave's "econometrics" package, version 1.0.8,
(written by Michael Creel) for examples, but ran into some
problems. The script "mle_example.m" in that package fails under
current Octave (3.2.3). This is something we must strive to avoid
with gretl (i.e. inadvertent breakage of add-on packages). I've
trying to guard against that by setting up an auto-checker for all
the function packages available via the gretl server, which I run
whenever a new release is coming up.
15 years
a little bug
Dear developers,
using the snapshot version downloaded today for Win-XP,
I tried to modify a gnuplot ACF/PACF graphic to put the y-rage in [-1; 1]
(as it MUST BE).
I saved the original generated graph as icon, I opened the gnuplot
command by the mouse right-click, I modified the command set yrange in
set yrange [-1.0:1.0]
and I runned the script. A modified graph is generated but it is
covered by the
pop-up message "gnuplot pause: paused", and it is impossible to save
the modified graph.
Francesca Di Iorio
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Universita' di Napoli Federico II
via L. Rodino' 22
I-80138 Napoli
tel. 081-2538280
fax. 081-2537466
e-mail fdiiorio(a)
15 years
Gretl icons
by Henrique
Dear developers,
Why don't we have icons for Gretl files (.gretl, .gdt, .inp, etc.) in Mac OS
X? I would like to see these beautiful icons here in my computer :)
15 years
Conference 2011
by Lee Adkins
Hi All,
I've been following the discussion about the next gretl conference. As I
promised in Bilbao, I approached the editors of Advances in Econometrics
about doing a gretl edition with an accompanying conference. The AIE
conferences ( are normally held
in Baton Rouge, usually in the fall (early November). I've been to a couple
of these and they are quite nice (though, it would be impossible to top the
wonderful hospitality of our hosts in Bilbao!).
I don't have a firm commitment yet, but the response I got from Carter Hill
was very favorable. I pitched it as a volume on open source econometrics
software (of which gretl is the leader, right?). Guest editors (me? and any
volunteers) can influence the focus quite a bit. This would open it up a
bit to contributions from R users perhaps, but it will help fill up the
volume. Usually there are about 15 or so submissions for a volume. Anyway,
if there is interest in pursuing this venue or if any of you have any ideas
or suggestions, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Also, I'll be working on a new version of my gretl book later this year so
any comments or suggestions would be welcome.
Lee Adkins
Professor of Economics
15 years