Re: [Gretl-devel] gretl build problem
by Allin Cottrell
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011, Talha Yalta wrote:
> > There's the problem, GTK is not found. Can you post the config.log
> > from this configuration run.
> Please find it attached.
> I see that the gtk2 package is installed. Along with glib2, gtkmm and
> gtk-engines. The uninstalled packages in the repo starting with gtk*
> are: gtk+extra, gtk+extra-devel, gtk-doc, gtk-qt-engine, gtk-sharp,
> gtk-vnc, gtk-vnc-devel, gtk2-demo, gtk2-devel, gtk2-docs, gtkglarea,
> gtkglarea-devel, gtkglext, gtkglext-devel, gtkmm-devel
You need gtk2-devel, but not any of the other uninstalled gtk
packages on this list. In general, you need the "devel" packages
for anything that gretl builds against.
13 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] gretl build problem
by Allin Cottrell
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011, Talha Yalta wrote:
> I have recently installed Pardus2011 and I have problem getting gretl
> to run after compiling it from cvs. Below is what I have done (a few
> times with no luck). There was no other gretl version installed.
> 1)- I issue the build commands as usual:
> make clean (after the first try)
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/gretl
> make
> sudo make install
> 2)- Here is the output after configure:
> Configuration:
> Installation path: /opt/gretl
> Use readline library: yes
> Use gnuplot for graphs: yes
> Use LaTeX for typesetting output: yes
> MPFR support: yes
> sse2 support for RNG: yes
> openMP support: no
> Build with GTK version: none
There's the problem, GTK is not found. Can you post the config.log
from this configuration run.
Allin Cottrell
13 years, 7 months
gretl build problem
by Talha Yalta
I have recently installed Pardus2011 and I have problem getting gretl
to run after compiling it from cvs. Below is what I have done (a few
times with no luck). There was no other gretl version installed.
1)- I issue the build commands as usual:
make clean (after the first try)
./configure --prefix=/opt/gretl
sudo make install
2)- Here is the output after configure:
Installation path: /opt/gretl
Use readline library: yes
Use gnuplot for graphs: yes
Use LaTeX for typesetting output: yes
MPFR support: yes
sse2 support for RNG: yes
openMP support: no
Build with GTK version: none
Use GTK printing apparatus: no
Use installed gtksourceview: no
Build with gnome support: no
Build gretl documentation: no
Use Lucida fonts: no
Build message catalogs: yes
Gnome installation prefix: NA
X-12-ARIMA support: yes
TRAMO/SEATS support: yes
libR support: no
ODBC support: no
Experimental audio support: no
LAPACK libraries:
-L/usr/lib -llapack -lblas -lgfortran
Now type 'make' to build gretl.
3)- Here is the final lines after the make command:
make[1]: `/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/plugin' dizininden çıkılıyor
make -C po
make[1]:`/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/po' dizinine giriliyor
make[1]: `all' için hiçbir şey yapılmadı.
make[1]: `/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/po' dizininden çıkılıyor
make -C share
make[1]:`/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/share' dizinine giriliyor
make[1]: `all' için hiçbir şey yapılmadı.
make[1]: `/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/share' dizininden çıkılıyor
4)- Here is the final lines after the make install command:
make -C bcih install
make[2]:`/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/share/bcih' dizinine giriliyor
cp -fp fedstl.bin /opt/gretl/share/gretl/db/fedstl.bin
cp -fp ../../share/bcih/fedstl.idx /opt/gretl/share/gretl/db/fedstl.idx
make[2]: `/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/share/bcih' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[1]: `/home/talhayalta/cvs/gretl/share' dizininden çıkılıyor
5)- After what seems to be a normal install, I also do the following:
cd /usr/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/gretl/bin/gretl
and open: "/etc/"
and append to the end of the file "/opt/gretl/lib"
and save and run:
sudo /sbin/ldconfig
I get no error messages. But now when I run "gretl" I get:
"bash: gretl: komut yok" (which means "no command")
Any ideas what I should do at this point?
"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field." - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
13 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] Many thanks (a small econometric proposal)
by Allin Cottrell
On Tue, 8 Feb 2011, Daniel Ventosa S. wrote:
> Many thanks for the help. I tried to package the function
> following the manual's instruction. That's when I realized that
> I am too ignorant of GRETL's architecture...
I have put a couple of files at
GVS_test.inp is a more idiomatic and fixed-up gretl translation of
your matlab function, and
GVS_test.spec is a "spec" file suitable for creating a .gfn
function package (Gretl User's Guide, 10.6, command-line variant).
Allin Cottrell
13 years, 7 months
Many thanks (a small econometric proposal)
by Daniel Ventosa S.
Many thanks for the help. I tried to package the function following the manual's instruction. That's when I realized that I am too ignorant of GRETL's architecture. I was absolute incompetent in doing so. I think I'll have to read more carefully the manual (and from the first page). Anyway, thanks a lot,
13 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] A small econometric proposal
by Allin Cottrell
On Mon, 7 Feb 2011, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> IMHO the natural way would be to develop a so-called function package
> which implements your test. Such a package can be uploaded to the
> official gretl package server such that every gretl user can install
> that package from within gretl...
I'd agree with Sven's suggestion. To help get you started I'm
attaching a quick translation of your GVS_test.m into gretl
script. It's not very gretl-idiomatic but I wanted to show the
fairly close parallel between matlab/octave and gretl with a more
or less literal transation.
Allin Cottrell
13 years, 7 months
A small econometric proposal
by Daniel Ventosa S.
My name is Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària. During the last years I have noticed that many practitioners perform unit-root tests, such as the ADF, without really studying the deterministic components; they include constants and trends without being fully aware that, in the presence of a unit root, the latter become a linear trend, and a quadratic trend, respectively. It is important to recall that deterministic trends tend to asymptotically dominate stochastic ones. Along with a colleague (M. Gómez), I developed a test specifically designed to test for the presence of a drift (and a possible shift in the drift) once there is evidence of unit root (recently published at the Journal of Time Series Econometrics, :o) ). Such test could be considered as a companion of any unit root test.
My proposal is the following: I would like/love to include the test in GRETL as a Unit-Root companion test. I don't know if my proposal is too pretentious or plainly unrealistic. Although the test has been revised by experts and published in a fine journal, maybe the test is not important enough.
The fact is that I programmed the test using matlab code (the test is actually extremely simple; it is a matter of simple LS regressions) but I am unable to write it in C language. It is my first trial in a gnu/open source project and I would feel very proud if I could collaborate in such a great program as GRETL. If there is a chance to do all this, please follow this link to read the working paper version of the test. The published version can be found here and a preliminary matlab code of the test can be found here. (I prepared a much better one but I have not yet uploaded it). Many thanks in advance for your attention; I look forward to hear from you,
13 years, 7 months
gretl source update
by Allin Cottrell
If anyone who's in the habit of using gretl CVS wants the latest
and greatest while sourceforge is out of action, please see
Please read the README file before doing anything else,but if you
were up to date with CVS as of January 25 you _might_ want to
apply the source patch in gretl-2011-01-27.tgz.
Be aware that updating in this way might create some "issues" when
SF CVS comes back online and you try to update in the usual way.
You should probably not apply the patch unless you know how to
handle CVS "conflicts". (Short version of handling conflicts:
delete your local version of the conflicted file and try "cvs
update" again.)
Allin Cottrell
13 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] String for Translation
by Allin Cottrell
On Wed, 2 Feb 2011, Henrique Andrade wrote:
> I think the following string is not marked for translation:
> *Aviso: generated missing values*
It's marked for translation but the translation was not getting
activated. This is now fixed in my code-base, and will go into CVS
when sourceforge CVS is working again.
13 years, 7 months
String for Translation
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Allin,
I think the following string is not marked for translation:
*Aviso: generated missing values*
Am I correct?
Best regards,
*Henrique C. de Andrade*
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
13 years, 7 months