Gretl project on the launchpad
by Ivan Sopov
Hello, gretl developers.
I'm trying to start a translation of help files into russian on as it seems to be the most suitable tool to participate
for all familiars with econometrics but not with gettext, linux. cvs,
The problem is that there is already a project for gretl on launchpad
and it is strongly prohibited to start more than one project for a
single program. I cannot contact with Constantine Tsardounis for about
a month, so I think it is time to re-assign that project to someone
else. On the irc-channel of launchpad I was told that
Our admins can re-assign the project to new owners but we'd prefer to
hear from the upstream owners. can you get one of them to submit a
question here:
But if nobody from main developers wants to register and do something
at launchpad it is possible to assign this function to me and in that
case a letter in this list will probably be enough.
I have prepared a .po-file for genr_funcs.xml and gretl_commands.xml
with the help of po4a utility and got 1511 strings for translation
(strings a rather big).
Good luck, Ivan Sopov.
P.S. My previous letter about using launchpad for translation is
12 years, 5 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] gretl 1.9.9 just about ready
I tried out the new feature of saving graphpages this morning. An error occured, on windows and ubuntu, when I tried to save a graph as a pdf file. All worked fine with eps. I think there was a problem with pdflatex or so. I'll have a look in this later today and write you a more detailed report.
And thank you for implementing this feature!
Best, Artur
-original message-
Subject: [Gretl-devel] gretl 1.9.9 just about ready
From: Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>
Date: 30/05/2012 17:41
I'm about ready to release 1.9.9, but I'd be grateful if any
of you could take today's snapshots for Windows and OS X for a
quick spin, just to check there's nothing badly broken.
If there are no bad reports I'll bump the version and do the
release, probably tomorrow.
Gretl-devel mailing list
12 years, 9 months
gretl 1.9.9 just about ready
by Allin Cottrell
I'm about ready to release 1.9.9, but I'd be grateful if any
of you could take today's snapshots for Windows and OS X for a
quick spin, just to check there's nothing badly broken.
If there are no bad reports I'll bump the version and do the
release, probably tomorrow.
12 years, 9 months
by uriel rodriguez
Hello user gretl and I'm an economics student, I am learning to program in gretl, I would like to join the group to upload my packages.
12 years, 9 months
gretl 1.9.9
by Allin Cottrell
I'm thinking we should make a new release soon. It turned out
that 1.9.8 has a number of bugs on Windows, some of them quite
serious. Having fixed these, time to (try to) ensure that new
users don't have a bad experience.
Any issues that people think need to be addressed before a
12 years, 9 months
Update the user's guide
by José Belbute
I believe that it would be quite advantageous if the user's guide could be
updated. Let me mention just one example: Nothing is said about the Hurst
coefficient, nor about fractional integration.
Excellent work
12 years, 9 months
two small questions
by Sven Schreiber
not important, but here goes after having postponed it for ages:
1. Graphing the cross-correlogram seems to rely on the ordering of the
variables in the dataset. Could that be made configurable?
2. the "semilog" fitted line option for time-series plots: first why is
it called *semi*, if it's a fitted trend to the log. Also, trying it on
LRM in denmark.gdt there is no difference between linear and this
semilog. (How) Does gretl know that LRM is already in logs?
12 years, 10 months
Few small bugs
by Talha Yalta
I would like to continue reporting a few more issues/bugs. I
understand that these are not by any means crucial, however, such
rough edges are often hard to notice and easier to fix. So I hope
these are useful on the road to 2.0.
1)- model-save-define new variable menu: adding a scalar using say
"c=3" opens up the scalars window showing the newly added c, however,
if one adds more scalars, the window does not refresh and one has to
cloase and reopen the scalars window to see the computed value.
2)- In the LaTeX output of logit/probit: If the slopes will be shown,
slope for the constant is not blank and shows a "," Moreover, all
slopes in the LaTeX output show "undefined" if one increases the
decimal places in the "tabular options".
3)- In the LaTeX output of logit/probit: The expression "%d percent"
(for 'correctly predicted') also needs to be marked for translation.
4)- In logit/probit: The expression "Gradient within tolerance
(1e-07)" needs to be marked for translation.
5)- It would be useful to see the observation marks (when they exist)
in the "Display actual, fitted, residual" window.
6)- In plot edits, the line color icon disappears after line 6.
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field.” - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
12 years, 10 months
ARFIMA model routine ...
by José Belbute
Dear all
Let me suggest to the gretl development team to create an ARFIMA routine to
test the presence of long memory in a time series.
Moreover, I also would like to suggest to add a Kalman filter routine to
the existing filters.
Best regards
12 years, 10 months
Graph : "Arg list too long" problem
by José Belbute
Some weeks ago I reported here that I could not plot any graph using this
laptop. For any graph gretl 1.9.8 reports the following message: “Arg list
too long”, even for one variable time series plot. This is true from the
very first moment I installed gretl in this machine.
This situation does not occur when I’m using the same version of the
software installed in another laptop.
I’d be grateful for any tip that could help me to solve the problem.
My best regards
12 years, 10 months