Save script file bug
by Logan Kelly
I want to report a possible bug in saving script files on the latest snap shot win 7 64 bit. Sometimes when more that one script file is open with the editor in tab mode, the save command overwites both files with the script file in focus. Here is the big problem. I cannot figure out how to trigger the behavior. It just happens sometimes. So since I cannot replicate the problem this is officially the world's most useless possible bug report, apologies.
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
9 years, 11 months
function package news
by Allin Cottrell
There have been some developments in the realm of gretl function
packages lately. Jack and I plan to write up a proper guide to all
this, but in the meantime here are a few notes to be going on with.
(References to the gretl GUI below should be understood as valid for
current CVS and snapshots.)
1. The handling of function-package uploads has been revised
Up till now, uploaded packages (whether new ones or revisions of old
ones) have gone straight in to the "public area", where they're
accessible via the gretl GUI and also via the web interface at
Now, uploads will in the first instance go into a "staging"
directory for approval. When an upload is received, a notification
email gets sent to me. (Once this is tested a bit more I'll put some
more people on the notification list.) Right now, "approval" will
basically just be a matter of checking that the package's sample
script meets the requirements set out in and
should not take long. The process may be made somewhat more rigorous
in future.
Note that you can see what's in "staging" at
2. Packages can now be uploaded in zip-file form
Until recently all regular packages (as opposed to "addons") had to
take the form of simple gfn (XML) files. Now they can be zip files,
allowing the possibility of including extra material in the package.
Examples on the server: (Jack Lucchetti and Claudia Pigini)
and (not very exciting, written by me as a test case).
The "extra material" we have in mind may include
* PDF documentation
* Zero or more data files (gdt or gdtb)
* Zero or more matrix files
* Zero or more bundle (XML) files
If you include a data file with your package this can be opened in
your sample script using the new --frompkg option to "open", which
requires the name of the package as a parameter; for example
open almon.gdt --frompkg=almonreg
If you include a matrix file (perhaps to hold a bunch of critical
values for a specialized test) you can open it in your function code
using the built-in $pkgdir string variable, as in
string mname = sprintf("%s/critvals.mat", $pkgdir)
matrix C = mread(mname)
A zip-file package must have a definite structure. Let pkgname be a
variable representing the name of your package (e.g. pkgname =
"HIP", pkgname = "almonreg"), and suppose you're including PDF doc
and a data file. The structure must then look like this:
That is, all the files must be contained in a directory that bears
the name of your package. The name of the gfn file must be
pkgname.gfn, and the name of the PDF file (if present) must be
pkgname.pdf. Data and matrix files, however, can be named as you
The creation of a suitable zip file is handled by the package editor
in the gretl GUI. (There's also a non-interactive shell-based way of
doing this and uploading the file, but I won't get into that here.)
The trigger for creating a zip file to upload (when you check the
box "Upload package to server on save") is that you have (a)
specified PDF documentation by typing "pdfdoc:pkgname.pdf" into the
Help area in the package editor and/or (b) added the names of some
extra files to include, using the new "Data files" tab in the dialog
which appears when you click the "Extra properties" button in the
package editor.
If you're building your package via a .spec file, the appropriate
magic to put into that file is (illustrating via almonreg):
help = almonreg.pdf
data-files = almon.gdt
(The "data-files" line can accommodate more than one filename,
separated by spaces.)
3. Easier access to sample scripts
In the gretl GUI, there's now an easy way for the "consumer" of a
given function package to bring up and execute its sample script.
When you open the listing of packages on the local machine, there's
both a toolbar button and a right-click (context) menu item, "Sample
script". In the first instance this opens the sample script as
executable but not editable. To make it editable, use the "Save
as..." button and give it a name of your choosing.
9 years, 11 months
concatenating row and column vector, bug or feature?
by Sven Schreiber
maybe this has come up before, but if so then I don't remember the answer:
I just noticed that I can stick together horizontally (as in 'x ~ y') a
100x2 matrix and a 1x100 row vector. However, the result was that the
first element of the row vector was repeated 100 times and formed the
third column of the output.
So effectively I got:
x ~ (y[1] .* ones(rows(x), 1))
What was intended instead was:
x ~ y'
where I simply forgot the transpose.
Try it for yourselves:
matrix x = ones(10,2)
matrix y = seq(0,9)
matrix out1 = x ~ y' # intended
print out1
matrix out2 = x ~ y # what I got
print out2
I guess this comes from gretl *trying* to broadcast the vector y to
match the dimensions of x, but I would not really call the result
broadcasting. Or is there a rationale for this behavior?
10 years
questions about built-in multicore support
by Artur T.
Dear Allin and Jack,
I'have observed some increased efficiency in the built-in multi-core
support during the last few months. Just out of curiosity: has really
anything changed in this direction or is it simply my subjective
impression that the CPU usage has substantially increased running the
same script on the same machine?
For instance, on a modern i5 4-core machine almost 2 cores are
automatically exploited for heavy-loop and heavy-matrix computations. On
an older AMD 2-core machine the CPU usage is slightly lower but still
the 2nd core is at least used up to 40% or so.
10 years
MPI doc
by Sven Schreiber
Good morning,
is the help file for parallel MPI from June or July 2014 still current?
The bootstrap example (which is very instructive) in there seems to me
as if it could be simplified for straightforward "everyday" use. I want
to make concrete suggestions, so I want to make sure I'm not referencing
outdated stuff.
10 years
Possible bug in GUI
by Logan Kelly
Using the latest snapshot on Win 7 64 bit I have found a possible bug in the GUI.
When copying and pasting RTF from the output of the Test Statistics Calculator into MS Word 2013 you get the following
{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq1\fcharset1 Courier New;}}
Null hypothesis: Difference of means = 0\par
Sample 1:\par
n = 20, mean = 0.0170911, s.d. = 0.046042\par
standard error of mean = 0.0102953\par
95% confidence interval for mean: -0.00445719 to 0.0386395\par
Sample 2:\par
n = 220, mean = 0.00851808, s.d. = 0.0877089\par
standard error of mean = 0.00591333\par
95% confidence interval for mean: -0.00313625 to 0.0201724\par
Test statistic: t(238) = (0.0170911 - 0.00851808)/0.0198832 = 0.431171\par
Two-tailed p-value = 0.6667\par
(one-tailed = 0.3334)\par
When you do the same from a model window, the result is the properly formatted table. I am not sure if this is a MS Word issue (Why can't the world just use LaTeX.) or gretl, but given that copy RTF works in some cases????
10 years
Re: [Gretl-devel] Save script file bug
by Dr. Logan Kelly
The scripts are already named files. I have not noticed the problem with untitled documents, but again I have not been able to reliable replicate the issue. So I am not sure if I could trigger it with an untitled script.
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)> </div><div>Date:2015/02/16 2:12 PM (GMT-06:00) </div><div>To: Gretl development <gretl-devel(a)> </div><div>Cc: </div><div>Subject: Re: [Gretl-devel] Save script file bug </div><div>
</div>On Sat, 14 Feb 2015, Logan Kelly wrote:
> I want to report a possible bug in saving script files on the latest
> snap shot win 7 64 bit. Sometimes when more that one script file is
> open with the editor in tab mode, the save command overwites both
> files with the script file in focus. Here is the big problem. I
> cannot figure out how to trigger the behavior. It just happens
> sometimes.
Do you happen to recall -- does this happen when the scripts are
already named as files, or when they're untitled (so you get the file
naming dialog box)?
Gretl-devel mailing list
10 years
Re: [Gretl-devel] Possible bug in GUI
by Logan Kelly
Does Word give you
the "Paste special" option, so that you can force the rtf filter when
pasting? If you do so, what happens?
No. Only paste special options are unformatted text.
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------
From: "Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti" <r.lucchetti(a)>
Date:02/14/2015 3:30 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Gretl development <gretl-devel(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-devel] Possible bug in GUI
On Fri, 13 Feb 2015, Logan Kelly wrote:
> Hello,
> Using the latest snapshot on Win 7 64 bit I have found a possible bug in the GUI.
> When copying and pasting RTF from the output of the Test Statistics
> Calculator into MS Word 2013 you get the following: [...]
This does not happen with LibreOffice; it would be interesting to know
what happens with other word processors, especially older versions of MS
Word. My guess is that Word 2014 fails to automatically spot the contents
of the clipboard as rtf, so it treats it as plain text. Does Word give you
the "Paste special" option, so that you can force the rtf filter when
pasting? If you do so, what happens?
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
10 years
ADF-GLS lag selection option
by Artur T.
I just observed the following behavior using gretl cvs from 2015-01-24 on
For the ADF-GLS unit root test one cannot select the criterion for testing
down the lag order -- but for the standard ADF test this is possible.
However, in case of the ADF-GLS test the criterion (automatically) selected
is just the last one used for the ADF-test.
10 years
Run Gretl on Android
by Diego Fernández
I need to know if it posible to run Gretl on OS Android in a Tablet.
Diego Fernández
Magister en Economía
10 years