more fun with bundle members
by Sven Schreiber
Sorry for the flood of postings, it's one of those days again...
open denmark
bundle b
b.p = 2
b.r = 1
var 2 IBO IDE # works (of course)
p = b.p
var p IBO IDE # works
var b.p IBO IDE # doesn't work
Obviously the parser has problems digesting direct bundle member
9 years, 8 months
argname() with bundle members
by Sven Schreiber
a tricky situation:
function void hey(matrix mm)
string huhu = argname(mm)
slen = strlen(huhu)
print slen
end function
bundle bc = null
matrix bc.m = zeros(3,2)
The length of the argname(mm) result string is zero. According to the
argname doc, this happens if the argument was passed "anonymously". I
understand that it's not really clear what the argname of bc.m should
be, being a member of a bundle. However, this limitation is kind of
unsatisfactory IMO, because I'm passing the correct parameter type to
the function, but then it breaks down because the parameter happens to
come from inside a bundle, which should be irrelevant from the point of
view of the function.
Hm, as I said, tricky to resolve.
9 years, 8 months
Translation prep time
by Sven Schreiber
(as usual) I'm lagging a little with respect to the (German)
translation. Could I ask/remind you to announce your release plans
sufficiently in advance (say one week) so that translators like me can
catch up. Especially with 2.0 on the horizon I wouldn't want to mess
this up.
9 years, 9 months