translation issues
by Sven Schreiber
I have just tried to catch up in terms of the (German) translation, and
as usual not everything was totally clear. (The majority of stuff is
already committed to cvs, however.)
a) "percent change in %s" not translatable (it appears in a dialog window)
b) context for "break-point for %s test", line 4128 -- is %s going to be
a variable name, or how is it meant?
c) context for "Resources...", line 8488 -- couldn't find it.
And one remark:
- url.sty seems to be required for building (I mean "make", not "make
pdfdocs"), but the corresponding package (texlive-latex-recommended) is
not in build-dep.
9 years, 8 months
String as pointer argument
by Sven Schreiber
a new thingy:
function void scheck (int a, string *s)
printf "%s\n", s
end function
string hey = "ho"
scheck(2, &hey)
gretl-Version 1.10.90cvs
Aktuelle Sitzung: 2015-05-13 09:38
? function void scheck (int a, string *s)
> function void scheck (int a, string *s)
Unrecognized data type 'string *'
Fehler bei Skriptausführung: Stopp
> function void scheck (int a, string *s)
Apart from the untranslated error message (could by my own fault)
apparently gretl doesn't accept strings to be passed in pointer form? Is
this deliberate? AFAICS the docs with respect to pointers just talk
about function arguments in general, not just scalars and matrices.
9 years, 8 months
ambiguous loop index
by Sven Schreiber
I was surprised that this works with 'i' being used in two nested loops:
matrix m1 = I(5)
loop i = 1..5
matrix hey = m1[i,]
loop i = 1..2
matrix hu = m1[,i]
Although I'm impressed that gretl gets this right, I tend to think that
it should be banned, because subtle errors would be likely IMHO.
This is with a snapshot from May 20th.
9 years, 8 months